Character portrait
Morthil Olotumal
232 years old
194 cm (6'4'')
79 kg (174 lbs)
Morthil Olotumal, 232 years old
Male half-elf
Archetype: creator
Background: entertainer
Height: 194 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 79 kg (174 lbs)

Morthil Olotumal was born to a middle-class family in the port town of Neverwinter. He showed an early talent for music, and began to play in local pubs and cafes. Over the years, Morthil built up a reputation as a talented performer, and he eventually found himself a regular performer at one of Neverwinter's most prestigious venues - the Golden Ram.

Morthil's career as a musician was successful, but he never forgot his roots. He loved spending time in his family's home town, and he frequently returned to visit his relatives.

One day, Morthil met a powerful wizard named Zhentarimis. Zhentarimis was impressed by Morthil's music, and offered to help the young half-elf start a new career as a wizard- entertainer. Morthil accepted Zhentarimis's offer, and over the next several years, he developed a newstage act that combined magic and music.

Morthil's new act was a huge success, and he quickly became one of the most famous entertainers in Neverwinter. He was also often asked to perform at charity events and ceremonies, and he began to earn a sizeable income.

However, Morthil never forgot his roots. He still spent a lot of time in his family's home town, and he continued to visit his relatives regularly.

In recent years, Morthil has retired from his performing career. He now spends his time living a peaceful life in his family home town. He is still a talented musician, and he occasionally performs at special events.

He is also a talented magic-user, and he often uses his magic to help his relatives with their everyday tasks. Morthil is a peaceful and content person, and he is always happy to lend a hand.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0