Character portrait
47 years old
113 cm (3'8'')
44 kg (97 lbs)
Vruk, 47 years old
Male goblin
Archetype: sage
Background: investigator
Height: 113 cm (3'8'')
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)

Vruk was born in the heart of the forest, in the Goblin tribe known as the Green-Ear. His mother, a respected witch-doctor, and his father, a skilled hunter, instilled in him a love and deep respect for nature from the very first moment. Vruk's pointed ears were unusually long for a Goblin, giving him a unique appearance that made him stand out amongst his tribe.

As a child, Vruk's favorite memories were those of running through the forest, chasing after rabbits and climbing the trees for fruit. Despite his goblin nature, he always felt more at peace among the trees and the animals than amongst his fellow Goblins. He was curious and loved to observe and learn from those around him. This trait led him to become an investigator when he became an adult, solving conflicts within his tribe and among other nearby creatures.

After years of building up his skills, Vruk became a sage, respected not only within his tribe but throughout the surrounding forests as well. He had an ability to see things that others had overlooked, and with his sharp intellect and unflagging curiosity, he gained the respect and admiration of all that he encountered.

Vruk's life motto is that understanding comes from observation, and he frequently reminds others that they should take a step back from their own perspectives to see the bigger picture. His flaw, however, is his self-doubt, which can sometimes keep him from effectively utilizing his sharp intellect.

Despite being a Goblin mage, Vruk still enjoys hunting and fishing, as well as playing his favourite game "Goblinball." His spellbook mostly contains enchantments that enhance his senses and his intellect, though he is also capable of hexes and curses should the situation call for it.

If there is anything that truly terrifies Vruk, it is the idea of living out his days in isolation from the natural world. He has spent his whole life studying and embracing the mysteries of nature, and much of his drive comes from a fiery desire to understand the most arcane and enigmatic aspects of the world around him.

Vruk's famous quote is "The greatest wisdom comes from an open mind," and it is a belief that he embraces with all his heart. Despite having lived for decades and earned a well-deserved reputation as a sage, he understands that there is always something new to learn and explore.

Although Vruk has no visible disabilities, he is painfully aware that his charm may appear lacking in comparison to other members of his Goblin tribe. This is something that he has come to terms with, however, and he works every day to make sure that it doesn't cause him any undue stress or trauma.

In Vruk's private moments, he contemplates the great mystery of what it means to be alive - something that he believes goes beyond the mere scope of insubstantial living. He believes that every true sapient being has a purpose and that living life without engaging with that purpose can be a legitimate abuse of one of the greatest gifts that fate has granted us.

All in all, Vruk is a contemplative and curious being. Despite his upbringing among goblins, he demonstrates none of the hostility or greed that would so frequently taint them. Instead, he embodies the best aspects of nature while seeking to sacrifice his trappings for the common good.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0