Luc Santino is a famous soothsayer and mag in the magical world. This is an elderly gray-haired man with a bushy beard and anxious eyes. He has a manner of looking directly into the eyes of a person when meeting, penetrating into his essence.
Our hero was born to a family of courtiers in a secluded kingdom Narderam. Growing up, Luc was always a quick thinker and had a natural talent for predicting the future. To do this, the boy was enough to carefully look into the eyes of a person. He enjoyed spending his free time reading old manuscripts and studying the magic of prophecy.
When he was young, Luc met a woman who Shared his interest in prophecy and they became good friends. Eventually, they fell in love and married. Together they had two children, a daughter and a son.
Luc's wife died a few years after their children were born, leaving Luc to raise them alone. Luc did his best to fill the role of a father and helped his children to develop their magical abilities. Luc's son became a fine courtier and married a noblewoman, while his daughter married a man of noble birth. Luc was happy for his children and enjoyed spending time with them.
One day, Luc's son brought him a message from the king. The king wanted Luc to come to his palace and perform a ritual to prevent a war from breaking out. Our hero was far from court life.
He did not share the love of luxury and serene empty pastimes led by the king and his entourage. Therefore, the order of the king to arrive in the capital was perceived negatively. However, he could not disobey. After the successful ritual was complete, Luc returned to his home town.
Shortly after Luc's return, a messenger arrived to tell him that his daughter had been kidnapped by a band of rebels. Luc secretly traveled to the rebels' camp under the guise of a vagabond beggar and freed his daughter.
However, life in his town has become unsafe for our hero. And his children needed his protection. He should have been with them. So he accepted the king's invitation to become his royal mage.
Luc now spends his days performing rituals to prevent wars from breaking out and spending time with his friends and family. He is happiest when he is able to use his gift to help others.
Luc Santino is a powerful soothsayer who uses his gift to help improve the lives of many. He is calm, collected, and focused in difficult situations, and his hypnotizing ability makes him a dangerous adversary.