Mergigoth is a berserker and a destroyer. He is proud and fiery, and he has a fierce temper. He is fiercely loyal to his friends, and he is always ready to fight for them.
Born to a family of berserkers, Mergigoth was destined for greatness from an early age. He reveled in the thrill of the hunt, and was always eager to test his prowess against any challenger. His reckless abandon soon won him the admiration and fear of his fellows.
Mergigoth's early life was turbulent. He often found himself fighting in viscous battles, and he developed a reputation as a fierce warrior.
As he grew older, Mergigoth's anger turned to destruction. He embraced the mantra "blood for blood", and refused to stop until he had claimed all who opposed him.
Mergigoth's passion for battle was matched only by his thirst for vengeance. He was relentless in his pursuit of enemies, and never stopped until they were dead or beaten. Rumors of his brutality quickly spread, and soon even the most unsuspecting victims were adding their voices to his list of victims.
Mergigoth's only concern was himself, and he cared nothing for the consequences of his actions.His famous quote is "I am the berserker, I am the destroyer, and I am the conqueror."
Our hero has never been married and does not want to. He believes that the woman who can be equal to him has not yet been born. His relationships with women are short-lived. He does not want to be attached to anyone, and does not want to be attached to him.
Mergigoth's dream is to become the greatest warrior the world has ever seen, and he is always ready to fight to achieve his goals.
Although he is feared and despised by most, Mergigoth has few true enemies. The ones he does have are always careful to strike when and where they can, knowing that a single mistake would be their undoing.