Character portrait
Filvendor Ravatris
52 years old
196 cm (6'5'')
65 kg (143 lbs)
Filvendor Ravatris, 52 years old
Male elf
Archetype: cleric
Background: traveler
Height: 196 cm (6'5'')
Weight: 65 kg (143 lbs)

Filvendor Ravatris is an elf, tall and slender with a grace that belies his centuries of life. His pointed ears are as expressive as his deep brown eyes that sparkle with a barely hidden mischief. He is a musician with a guitar always at hand, and his voice is both hauntingly beautiful and mirthfully playful. But he is more than just a wandering bard, for he is also a churchman, dedicating his life to spreading the teachings of his goddess.

Raised in a small elven village surrounded by forests and rivers, Filvendor’s childhood was idyllic. He was born to a family of musicians, with a famous ancestor who was said to have charmed the birds from the trees with his singing. From an early age, Filvendor showed a natural talent for music, and he spent many happy hours learning from his parents and grandparents.

But he was always drawn to the wider world beyond his village, and as soon as he was old enough, he set off on a journey that would take him across the continents. As a traveler, Filvendor has seen wonders and horrors that most elves only dream of, and his music has earned him many friends and admirers wherever he went.

His best friend is a human bard by the name of Cedric, who shares his love of music and adventure. They have had their share of wild escapades and narrow escapes, but they always manage to come out of it unscathed, with plenty of stories to tell.

Filvendor has known love before, but it was a fleeting thing, a firefly captured in a jar, that burned and flickered out too soon. He dreams of finding someone who will share his passion for music and travel, who will match his wit and humor, and who will make his heart sing.

As for marriage, it is not something he has ever seriously considered. Elves have a lifespan that stretches for centuries, and their relationships with mortals often end in heartbreak and sorrow. Filvendor prefers to live in the moment and enjoy the company of those he loves while he can.

His greatest fear is not death, but the thought of losing his music. He cannot imagine a world without the strings of his guitar or the songs in his heart. He believes that music is the key to the meaning of life, a language that transcends words and speaks directly to the soul.

Filvendor’s life credo is simple: live fully, love deeply, and laugh often. He believes in the power of kindness and compassion, and he tries to spread joy wherever he goes. He is a believer in the teachings of his goddess, who preaches a message of harmony and peace.

His most defining adventure was the time he spent in a dark dungeon, captured by a band of goblins who sought to sell him off as a slave. He managed to escape thanks to his quick wit and musical talent, and he emerged from the ordeal stronger and more determined than ever.

Filvendor speaks many languages, including Elvish, Common, and Draconic. He also knows the secret language of birds, and he can understand their songs and chirps.

There is a mystery to Filvendor, a hint of a dark past that he rarely talks about. Some say that he was once a highwayman or a thief, that he has a stash of treasure hidden away. But if he does, he keeps it well hidden.

He has no disabilities, though he does have a scar above his left eye, the only mark on his otherwise perfect skin. It is a reminder of a fight he had with a drunken sailor who took offense to one of his songs.

Filvendor Ravatris is a living fantasy character, a man who embodies the best of his kind. He is a musician, a churchman, a traveler, a friend, a romantic, and a survivor He is a man who lives life on his own terms, with a guitar in his hand and a song in his heart.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0