Character portrait
26 years old
190 cm (6'3'')
98 kg (216 lbs)
Zitto, 26 years old
Male beastman
Archetype: rogue
Background: traveler
Height: 190 cm (6'3'')
Weight: 98 kg (216 lbs)

Zitto is a male beastman who was born in a forest on the edge of the world. He has the physique of a muscle-bound athlete and the horns of a bull. He was the son of a wood nymph and a giant mountain goat.

Zitto's childhood home was in the woods near the mountaintops. He enjoyed spending time there playing with his siblings and exploring the forests.

As he grew older, Zitto ventured out on his own and began to explore more of the continent. He has been traveling for many years and has seen many different places and met many different people. He is a self-sufficient individual who can survive in any environment. Zitto learned many skills, including swordfighting, tracking, and magic.

Zitto has a strong character and is always looking out for the welfare of his friends and family. He is a natural rogue, always looking for make money by cheating others. As a rogue, Zitto is always looking for opportunities to take advantage of the people around him. He is fearless and has a quick wit, which he uses to get what he wants.

Zitto has a talent for magic and has learned a few powerful spells. He is happiest when he is using his magic to help others. Zitto is also known for his man-beast form, which he uses to ride on the back of wild animals.

Zitto has a strong belief in the power of dreams. He often uses his power to travel to different places in his dreams, and he has even helped people solve their problems in their dreams. Zitto is a happy, carefree person who enjoys life to the fullest.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0