Nebuil Jade
Nebuil Jade was born to the dwarven blacksmith parents Krag and Orla Jade in the kingdom of Gromlen. From a young age, she was immersed in the family blacksmithing business, watching her parents craft exquisite weapons and armor for the royal army. Nebuil spent her childhood apprenticed in their workshop, developing an expert knowledge of metalworking techniques.
Under her mother Orla's strict but excellent tutelage, Nebuil honed her skills over many years. She became renowned for blending traditional dwarven designs with more ornate, delicate embellishments – creating a unique dwarven blacksmithing style all her own. By her early adulthood, Nebuil had established herself as one of the finest weaponsmiths and armorers in Gromlen.
Her only major rival was the blacksmith Grimgar, who grew intensely jealous of Nebuil's talents and reputation. Grimgar made repeated attempts to sabotage her work, but Nebuil's meticulous craftsmanship allowed her to overcome his efforts.
The defining moment of Nebuil's career came when she discovered an ancient, cursed dwarven warhammer deep underground. Though powerful, the hammer carried a spiritual taint. Nebuil resisted its temptation and destroyed the cursed relic through her own skills.
Today, Nebuil is the proprietor of her own prestigious blacksmithing workshop in Gromlen. Her symbol, representing her mastery, is a hammer crossed over an anvil and shield. She specializes in crafting custom arms and armor for adventurers, soldiers, and nobles alike. Nebuil's son Galen, a skilled archer, often accompanies her on materials forays.
Nebuil is deeply passionate about upholding the high standards of craftsmanship. Her ambition is to create works that will stand as an enduring legacy. She is known for her quirky habit of humming dwarven folk tunes as she works at the forge. Nebuil also wears a silver hammer pendant formerly belonging to her mother Orla as a connection to her family's revered blacksmithing lineage.