Alistair Mormot was born the only child of King Reginald and Queen Isabella. As heir to the kingdom of Avalon, his childhood was strict and structured. Tutors drilled him for long hours on history, mathematics, languages and royal etiquette. In his scarce free time, young Alistair found solace in the castle library, reading tales of adventure and losing himself in the tranquil gardens.
On his 16th birthday, Alistair was gifted a tawny owl named Athena, who became his constant companion. Athena seemed to intuit Alistair's moods, providing silent comfort with her big luminous eyes when he felt overwhelmed.
Over the next decade Alistair was groomed to assume the throne. He disliked the cutthroat politics of court, preferring policy discussions to petty power games. Alistair advocated for reforms to help Avalon's poor, but his ideas were dismissed as naive by hardened advisors.
When his parents died abruptly of fever, Alistair became king at just 25 years old. Unsure in his new role, he initially deferred often to his council, avoiding conflict and trusting their experience. But gradually Alistair found his voice and worked to combat poverty, improve education, and broker diplomatic ties with neighboring realms.
Now 67, time has streaked Alistair's hair and beard gray, and wrinkles line his brow. But his eyes still twinkle with intelligence beneath the golden crown. He spends long nights in his study, poring over philosophy texts, owlet Athena his quiet companion.
Alistair presents himself as a wise benevolent king, interested only in the prosperity of his people. But privately he has dabbled in the occult arts, hoarding forbidden spellbooks and amulets of power. He tells himself this secret delving is to protect Avalon against magical threats. But a growing darkness gnaws at his heart.
Of late, Alistair has had vivid nightmares of losing his throne, with shadowy forces conspiring against him. He sees portents everywhere and grows paranoid. Once devoted to justice, he has authorized brutal reprisals for suspected disloyalty.
The royal advisors whisper that the old king is going mad. But none dare openly challenge him, cowed by the sinister magical energy radiating from his withered frame. Alistair barely recognizes himself anymore when he gazes in the mirror. He clutches his spellbooks tightly, believing that only more power will preserve his reign and save Avalon from chaos.