Riva Raik
Riva Raik was born on the planet Terra in a small farming village. She was the youngest of three children and was always the tomboy. Riva loved to explore the forests and fields near her home, and she was always sneaking off to explore abandoned dwellings or caves. When she was just a young girl, she began to exhibit strange powers- she could see and speak to the spirits of the natural world. Her parents were worried, but they were also proud of their daughter and allowed her to continue exploring.
As Riva grew older, she realized that she wanted to become a druid- a member of a mystical and powerful priesthood that practiced ancient healing practices. She was determined to find a way to join the priesthood, and she spent many hours training in the forest. Eventually, she discovered her true calling- she was a necromancer, and she could use her powers to raise the dead.
Riva's parents were alarmed when they found out about her gift, but they were also proud of their daughter. They helped her to hide her necromancy from the authorities, and they allowed her to continue exploring her powers. Riva soon discovered that she had a strong connection to the spirits of the dead, and she began to use her necromancy to help her friends and family.
Riva's life changed forever when she met a powerful druid named Theron. He taught her about the greater spiritual order, and he showed her the ways that she could use her necromancy to help people. Riva was inspired by Theron's teachings, and she soon decided to become a full-time druid.
Riva's training as a druid has made her a powerful figure on Terra. She is often called upon to help heal the sick or to stop evil spirits from harming the inhabitants of her home village. Riva is also known for her wise counsel, and she is a popular leader among her fellow druids.
Riva's life is full of adventure, and she is always on the lookout for new ways to use her necromancy to help people. She is also proud to possess an amulet that is said to protect her from harm.
She has a son and she is dedicated to teaching him the ways of the physical and the spiritual world. Her life credo is "Everything in life is a learning experience." She believes that everything has a purpose and that there is always something to be learned.
She is a skilled physical fighter and has a strong sense of justice. She is also a skilled user of spells, and she has a secret spellbook that contains powerful spells. She is not afraid to use her magic to defend herself or to help others. She is married to a man she met while traveling, and they have a happy life. She is content with her life