Character portrait
Arcus Erini
358 years old
193 cm (6'4'')
77 kg (170 lbs)
Arcus Erini, 358 years old
Male elf
Archetype: mage
Background: student
Height: 193 cm (6'4'')
Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs)

Arcus Erini, an air mage known for his grouchy manners and uncanny ability to keep calm even in the most chaotic of situations, leans heavily on his gnarled, wooden staff polished to a glassy finish. Despite hiding his tired face amidst a tangled web of beard and strings of white hair periodically bobbing around his long ears, a deep stir of amusement lingers in his eyes; a timeless glint of wit that has seen endless years of turmoil and triumph.

Born in a wealthy elven family in a bustling corner of the High Trade Chambers during the height of the Second War of Sky and Earth, Arcus grew up enveloped in a tumultuous dance between elemental forces. His early years were marked by the most exquisite of miseries - the child of a prominent merchant household, his parents reluctantly sacrificing their own pursuit of magic in exchange for the trappings of trade.

Arcus, however, wasn't swayed by the glittering allure of prosperity. His path deviated away from that which his parents had intended for him. As a child, he would slink from the shadow of their protective embrace, seeking the secrets of storms and the waltz of wind at the docks. It was there that he first glimpsed the true beauty of the elements; the roaring embrace of sea meeting sky in a contest confined to the borders of the world. And it was there that he befriended a fellow seeker of the winds – an ethereal, enigmatic girl by the name of Lyris.

They were kindred spirits; two souls flung together by fate who, together, discovered the significance of their bond, forming an alliance tempered by the very nature of their powers. Seasons passed, and as the bond between the two grew stronger, their powers refined in tandem.

As they entered adulthood, their paths diverged. Arcus found refuge within the Mages Academy of Thundhall, while Lyris took towards the seas aboard a sloop. It was there, within the walls of the esteemed institution, that Arcus mastered the art which would earn him a place in the highest ranks of the Arcane.

His most valuable creation – the Air Pillow spell - was his crowning achievement. The capacity to conjure a cushion of pure air, capable of shielding delicate targets from the fiercest of impacts, proved invaluable to the school of mages. Though his demeanor was prickly, his intentions were never misaligned.

He carried the burden of responsibility like a second skin, his alignment with the Academy attracting the rivalry of those who staked claim to alternative paths of magical practice. But among those who remained loyal, he found camaraderie, forging bonds with fellow mages and even joining an elusive guild – The Eye of the Tempest.

His motive for pursuing his art was a balm to soothe wounds; the scars of an unfulfilled childhood yearning to wield the winds that tore at his mind, testing the brittle limitations of his mortal form. Arcus sought solace in the power and knowledge gained within the Academy, discovering spirituality intertwined with the mastery of his craft.

Through the years, he upheld his moral compass, unwavering in his steadfast belief in balance amidst chaos. Yet, he was not immune to the unexpected. A life-defining event still etched into his very soul - the unexpected loss of his childhood friend, Lyris. Her memory remains as a ghost tethered to his heart, the spiritual echo of her presence ever haunting his dreams.

Despite the mark left by her absence, Arcus moved forth, driven forward by the winds of time. The bitter taste of experience clings to his memory like cobwebs of a long-forgotten hall. Time and reclusion have earned him the nickname "The Grumbling Gale" among his peers and students.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0