Len Sunan
Len Sunan is a courtier in the king's palace. She's beautiful, charming, and intelligent, and she's always ready to take advantage of her opportunities. She's been romantically linked to the king, the prince, and even the dragon lord. But she's never been able to find the one man who's been able to make her heart melt.
Len grew up in a happy and loving family, but she lost her mother at a young age. After her mother's death, Len was raised by her father and two older brothers. Her father was a kind and loving man, but he was also strict and demanding.
He drilled into his childrens the importance of being good courtiers. And a good courtier is not only a faithful servant, but also a person, possessing such qualities as intelligence, cunning, the ability to manipulate people.
When Len turned 16, she was forced to marry a prince. Her husband seemed to her a stupid glutton with whom there was nothing to talk about. The girl was deeply unhappy. After 10 months, her young husband died hunting, falling from his horse. Our heroine has become free. She plunged headlong into palace intrigues.
Len then started dating different men. One day she caught the attention of the king himself. The king was a middle-aged fat man. He seemed to our heroine an old man. But he was wise, knew a lot. It was interesting with him. Len became his favorite.
She completely captured the heart of the aging monarch. This made her a very important person in the kingdom. However, not everyone liked it. The queen was full of rage. She ordered the poisoning of her husband's young mistress.
Friends warned Len of the Queen's intentions. The girl decided to flee the country to save her life. Together with her brothers, she began to travel the world. She traveled to many countries and met with different creatures.
One day, she entered the land of dragons and was introduced to the dragon king. The girl made an unforgettable impression on the dragon. He invited her to join his court. Over time, young people became close. Len was interested in receiving information about the power and knowledge of dragons from the draconian. She became his mistress.
But life among dragons was dangerous for the girl. She could not stand the magical effect and fled. Len decided to move back to her childhood home and start over.
Along the way, she met a knight named Gabriel. He was young and handsome. The girl fell in love for the first time in her life. Young people began to live together. A year later, Len gave birth to a son. And a year later, her lover was killed on the battlefield. Darkness descended on the heart of our heroine.
She is currently living in her childhood home with father and brothers. They all love little Gabriel very much. The son is the greatest love of our heroine. She is a caring and loving mother.
Len wrote an autobiographical novel "Favorite", where she described the intricacies of her life. The novel was a huge success. To date, the third edition of this work has been published. Len plans to write a sequel to the novel.
The life of our heroine was not easy. But she believes that she came out with honor from all the tests. Now the main thing for her is to raise her son as a good decent person.