Gardle was born in a small village deep in the forest, far from any other settlements. As the youngest of the village's children, Gardle spent much of his time exploring the surrounding forests and tracking wild animals.
He grew to love nature and the mysteries it held, and dreamed of one day becoming a great druid and communing with nature spirits. Gardle's parents were proud of him and supported his dreams, but they also cautioned him about the dangers of the wild.
When Gardle reached adulthood, he left the village to study druidry in a nearby city. While there, he met and fell in love with a beautiful woman named Elle. The two of them soon married and had two children, a daughter named Arian and a son named Cass. Gardle was happy to be a loving husband and father, but his true passion was still the study of nature.
He continued to learn druidry and explore the forests around his home,often spending nights in the forest waiting for the moon to rise. One night, while he was out tracking an animal, Gardle was attacked by a pack of wolves.
Our hero fought off the wolves and took with him a wounded red she-wolf. At home, he cured her. The she-wolf soon gave birth to a cub. Gardle named him Coggy. This wolf cub became the best friend of our hero. He was always there.
Today, Gardle' continues his legacy as a druid and defender of nature. He travels the world. Gardle resides his life by believing in the beauty of nature and the sanctity of human life. He believes that all people were created in the image of God and were worth protecting.
His most famous quote is "The truth will set you free." Gardle's life credo "Honor the earth and all that lies within it. Protect nature and all that dwells therein. Live in harmony with all that is around you."
Gardle wears an amulet made from a toad's heart that he believed granted him powers over nature. Gardle's life-defining event was the day he met and fell in love with Elle. His favorite joke was "If you want to make a friend of a toad, put a toad in your pocket."