In the land of Rakdos, where shadows dance with delight on the scorched earth, an emerald firesparks amidst the eternally burning flames. Durgat, a green-skinned orc with the fierceness of a warrior and the grace of a great cat, makes her way through the land, her fierce gaze locked on the horizon.
Her childhood home, a quaint and rustic dwelling deep in the Rakdos forests, had left an indelible mark on her heart. There, under the watchful eye of her demonically-intertwined family, Durgat grew as a relentless protector of her kin. Her early life was a careful balance of her fiery nature and her unwavering loyalty to the tribe.
Now, Durgat finds purpose as a formidable guard to the Bloodcourt - the infamous Rakdos council that reigns over dark matters far beyond mortal comprehension. Driven by a profound conviction to protect the oppressed and avenge the fallen, her motives intertwine work and play. She revels in the chaos surrounding her, gladly slaughtering shadows in the name of her enigmatic masters.
The air seems to crackle around her as Durgat recalls fresh betrayals and old wounds. Her once-firm trust has been shattered by secrets concealed within the shadows, deceitful friends stabbing her in the back. Blood oaths broken, long-buried alliances crumbled to dust.
Yet, amidst the darkness, she finds solace in her marriage to her beloved Raghak, a formidable chieftain whose unwavering devotion eases the sting of old treacheries. Together, they birth a fierce and resilient daughter: a young warrior who becomes their beacon of hope in a world of chaos.
Despite her immense strength, Durgat conceals her own vulnerabilities. She harbors a deep-rooted fear of being entrapped by deceptive illusions and losing herself. This secret terror often keeps her awake and vigilant, her keen eyes scanning the full moon above her.
Durgat’s personality is a vibrant mesh of rage, wisdom, and wit. A skilled and intuitive fighter, her life's credo is simple: trust only in yourself and the sharpened edge of your blade. She is known far and wide as Durgat the Banshee, whispering tales of her ferocious battles, the screams of her defeated victims ringing out in the minds of those who would stand against her.
One fateful night, overcome with bloodlust, Durgat commits a dark crime. Stealing the sacred artifact of the Bloodcourt, she plunges herself and the council into a desperate frenzy.
Wielding a newfound power, she dreams of forging a world of her own making, where deprivation and despair bow before her indomitable will. An intricate secret shrouded in shadows, she conceals her true intentions, keeping her cards close to her chest.
The eerily silent cries of the wind alone have ever heard her thoughts, echoing devotion to her family: a fierce love for the child whose future she wishes to mold in her likeness.
Wherever Durgat treads, a single symbol heralds her arrival - a crimson rose, its petals unfurling into a maelstrom of flame and blood, bearing testimony to her unyielding devotion to the Bloodcourt and a promise: that as long as her heart beats, the fires of Rakdos shall consume all who oppose her.