Kasuti Cruel
Kasuti Cruel is a young male jinn bounty hunter who has been on the hunt for his entire life. He was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere, to a mage and his hunter father. Kasuti was always very curious and got lost in books from an early age. He was always very fast and strong, so his parents encouraged him to pursue a career as a hunter.
Kasuti was the best hunter in his village and was always one step ahead of the game. He was also very skilled in magic. One day, Kasuti's father was killed in a hunt by a rival mage. Kasuti was devastated by the loss and vowed to become the best bounty hunter in the world, just like his father had been.
He left his home town and started to make his name as one of the most dangerous hunters in the world. Kasuti is very aggressive and always ready to fight. He is also very skilled in sword-fighting and is also a very good spell caster.
Our hero loves the thrill of the chase and the excitement of the fight. He is always looking for new challenges and new prey. Kasuti is currently living in the city and is constantly on the hunt for criminals. He is very successful and has amassed a large amount of wealth over the years. He is married to a beautiful sorceress and they have two children.
Kasuti is very proud of his family and loves spending time with them. He is very afraid of ghosts and always keeps his sword close by in case he has to fight one. He is also very loyal and protective of his family.
Kasuti is a very driven and determined person and always strives to be the best. He believes that there is nothing that can stop him from achieving his goals. He is very proud of his life motto - "Never Give Up." Kasuti lives by this motto and believes that it is the key to his success. Kasuti is a very self- confident person and is always sure of himself.
He is never afraid to take risks and is always willing to try new things. He is also very confident in his magical abilities and is very capable of combatting any opponent. Kasuti is also very domineering and often controls the conversation. He is very proud of his status as a bounty hunter and loves to brag about his accomplishments. He is also very egocentric and often puts himself first.
bounty hunter