Purabaon is a male demon with long pointed ears, small horns, and piercing red eyes that seem to glow in the dark. He hails from a family of notorious destroyers and mercenaries, with a history of committing evil deeds in exchange for power and riches. One of his ancestors was said to have been the right-hand man of the devil himself, and Purabaon is determined to follow in his footsteps.
As a child, Purabaon had no moral compass or sense of empathy. He would often torture and kill animals for fun, reveling in the pain and suffering that he caused. It wasn't until he met a childhood friend named Dariana that he started to develop a sense of conscience. Dariana was unlike anyone Purabaon had ever met before - kind, gentle, and forgiving. Her presence slowly started to chip away at the darkness that resided in his heart.
Despite his close relationship with Dariana, Purabaon eventually turned back to his evil ways. He became a mercenary, offering his services to the highest bidder. His best friend is a fellow demon named Asmodeus, who shares his love of power and destruction. They spend their days causing chaos and destruction wherever they go, reveling in the fear that they cause.
Purabaon has never been interested in romantic relationships or marriage, viewing them as weaknesses that could be exploited by his enemies. However, he did have a daughter named Lilith, who he abandoned at a young age. He views her as a hindrance to his goals, and never bothers to check in on her.
Purabaon's personality is a complex mix of cruelty and intelligence. He is a master manipulator, able to twist the emotions of others to suit his needs. However, he also has a strong sense of self-preservation and is not above running away if the situation becomes too dangerous for him. His life credo is, "Power and wealth are the only things that matter in this world."
The defining moment of Purabaon's life came when he encountered a group of humans who refused to bow down to him. They were simple peasants, but they had an unyielding spirit that Purabaon could not break. As he tried to subdue them, he realized that there was something missing from his life - a sense of purpose beyond destruction and chaos.
From that day forward, Purabaon started to work towards a different goal - one of true power and dominion. He achieved many great things during his time as a mercenary, but his greatest achievement was the creation of a powerful curse that could control the minds of his enemies. With this curse, Purabaon was able to take control of entire kingdoms and bend them to his will.
Despite his many achievements, Purabaon remains deeply unhappy. He has everything he could ever want - wealth, power, and respect - but he still feels empty inside. He spends his days sitting alone in his castle, listening to his favorite song - an upbeat tune about destruction and chaos - and dreaming of the day when he will finally find the true purpose he has been searching for.