Bao Long
Bao Long was born during a rare solar eclipse, which the royal astrologers claimed was an omen that he was destined for greatness. As the eldest son of Emperor Shen and his third wife, Consort Mei, Bao Long was pampered from birth. He was given only the finest silk robes to wear, and ate exotic delicacies like bird's nest soup and shark fin.
From age four, Bao Long began rigorous lessons with imperial tutors. He not only studied history, literature and philosophy, but also trained in archery, fencing and horsemanship. Showing little interest in politics or government, Bao Long excelled the most in mathematics. He loved analyzing crop reports and managing the royal treasury.
At 17, Bao Long used his financial acumen to turn around several floundering royal trading houses. He established new trade routes and relationships with foreign merchants. His shrewd investments tripled revenues for the kingdom within a year. Impressed, Emperor Shen made him Minister of Trade.
On his 28th birthday, the emperor shocked the court by announcing Bao Long as his chosen successor, instead of Crown Prince Zhen. Bao Long accepted coolly, though Zhen seethed with jealousy at being passed over.
Two nights before Bao Long's coronation, assassins crept into the imperial bedchamber and stabbed Emperor Shen thirteen times. By the time the guards arrived, the emperor was dead in a pool of blood. Bao Long blamed himself for not protecting his father.
The day after the assassination, Zhen accused Bao Long of being complicit and seized the throne for himself. He threw Bao Long into the citadel dungeon, where he was whipped and flayed daily by torturers. Weakened from the torture, Bao Long managed to escape by crawling through old sewer tunnels beneath the castle.
Now a scarred fugitive, Bao Long resides in the slums of the capital city, hiding his identity. He gets by doing odd jobs and running small trading enterprises. At night, he plots to build support from the merchant class to overthrow Zhen and reclaim his rightful place as emperor. Bao Long bides his time, waiting for the right moment to enact vengeance upon his brother for the slaughter of his beloved father.