Character portrait
Bagikrun The Champion
23 years old
243 cm (7'12'')
247 kg (545 lbs)
Bagikrun The Champion, 23 years old
Male draconid
Archetype: trickster
Background: spy
Height: 243 cm (7'12'')
Weight: 247 kg (545 lbs)

Bagikrun Dragon Champion isn't your typical draconian. Born under the three silver moons of Zephyria, a world where elements bend to the will of dragons, he's the mischievous offspring of a fiery elder dragon and a mortal woman, a union unheard of in the annals of draconian history. The amethyst ripples across his slender and muscular form hint at his unusual origin, so unlike the typical metallic hues of his kind.

His adolescent years are steeped in struggle. He is perpetually caught in the throbbing tension between the mortal fragility of his mother’s world and the fierce, raw power of his father’s fiery lineage. He's often spotted flitting between shadows in the crimson woods, his wings glowing like moonlit silver, teaching himself the art of stealth, honing his skills in secrecy.

Bagikrun's further development into adulthood magnifies his duality. He harnesses his innate ability to turn into a complete dragon or a human at will, a gift from his mixed heritage. This gives him an edge in his current occupation as a spy for the Dragon Council. Using his endowment well, he flutters between realms, peering into the minds of royals and outlaws alike, piecing together bits of information indispensable to the Council.

His work is motivated by a desire not for power or riches, but for clear skies—the purest form of peace for a Zephyrian dragon. But his tranquility is betrayed by a rogue dragon who reveals Bagikrun's mother's mortality, a fact he'd managed to keep concealed.

Out of this betrayal comes a bittersweet wound, a son named Charok. Born to Bagikrun and a mortal spy, the boy inherits his father’s features and dragon blood. The son’s birth, however, heralds an era of troubles and suspicions within the Council.

Through it all, Bagikrun remains steadfast in his life credo – to be a feather on Zephyria and not a chain. He continues to watch over his son with practiced caution, embarking on ventures full of unexpected climaxes and daring adventures. His life might lack the appreciation and acknowledgement he perhaps deserves, but it is fueled by an unfaltering belief in his mission.

Bagikrun’s talent for navigating treacherous political storms is as natural as his ability to breathe fire. His mannerism carries a touch of arrogance, but it is balanced by his playful charm. He is one to erupt into bright, rolling laughter that can thaw even the frostiest of hearts.

His symbol, the Silver Thorn, a blend of his mortally beautiful mother’s favorite plant and the strength of his dragon ancestry, emboldens his claims. It is seared onto his left shoulder, forever glowing as a testament to his enduring spirit.

Even in the heart of tumultuous chaos, Bagikrun Dragon Champion stands, a being of burning fire and simmering shadows, crafting his own fate from the raw duality that births him. Even at the heart of it all, Bagikrun Dragon Champion is a symphony, a melody of sinewy strength and mortal frailty, forever playing in the sapphire depths of Zephyria.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0