Character portrait
6 years old
179 cm (5'10'')
215 kg (474 lbs)
Hundredth, 6 years old
Male golem
Archetype: warrior
Background: soldier
Height: 179 cm (5'10'')
Weight: 215 kg (474 lbs)

Hundredth was born in a dark and desolate place, far away from human civilization. He was not born in the traditional sense, for he is a being of stone and was crafted by a group of powerful sorcerers, who imbued him with the power to move and think on his own.

His mentor was a wise old wizard who taught him the ways of the world and how to harness his innate powers. However, Hundredth's true calling was that of a warrior, and he soon left his mentor to join the ranks of a powerful army.

As a soldier, Hundredth was a force to be reckoned with. He showed no mercy, and his enemies quickly learned to fear his demonic strength and relentless anger. Over time, he gained many allies in battle, some of whom he had once considered his enemies.

Despite his formidable reputation, Hundredth had always been alone - until he met her. She was a beautiful and terrifying creature, with eyes that glowed like embers and a soul as dark as the abyss. He knew then that he would never be alone again.

Together, they had a daughter - a tiny, perfect creature who was the light of their lives. She made Hundredth see the world in a different way, and he vowed to protect her at all costs.

Despite his fearsome nature, Hundredth had a kind heart beneath his stone exterior. He believed fiercely in justice and honor, and was always quick to defend those who could not defend themselves. His life credo was simple: to protect the innocent and vanquish evil, no matter the cost.

Hundredth had little patience for politics or intrigue, preferring instead to focus on his own goals and battles. His defining moment came when he faced off against a powerful demon, one who had killed hundreds of innocent people. With his daughter's life on the line, Hundredth summoned every ounce of strength he had and fought the demon with all his might. In the end, he emerged victorious - but at a great cost.

Although he has been given many nicknames and titles over the years, Hundredth remains humble and focused on his goal. His flaw is his anger, which can sometimes get the best of him in battle. Despite this, he regrets nothing, for he knows that every battle he has fought has been worth it in the end.

Divine intervention has smiled upon Hundredth in the past, and he knows that it will again. He is a being of immense power and strength, and he will continue to fight for what he believes in for as long as he lives - and beyond.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0