Character portrait
Asontad Fierce
44 years old
258 cm (8'6'')
181 kg (399 lbs)
Asontad Fierce, 44 years old
Male draconid
Archetype: trickster
Background: charlatan
Height: 258 cm (8'6'')
Weight: 181 kg (399 lbs)

Asontad Fierce was born into a noble family of draconids in the kingdom of Averstorn, where he was raised in a life of luxury and privilege. His parents, Lord and Lady Fierce, were renowned for their cunning and intelligence, and they instilled these qualities in their son from an early age.

As a child, Asontad was always getting into mischief and pulling pranks on his siblings and servants. He was a natural trickster, using his quick wit and charm to get himself out of trouble whenever he got caught. Despite his mischievous nature, he was a clever and curious boy, always eager to learn and explore the world around him.

In his early years, Asontad was educated by the finest tutors in the kingdom, and he quickly developed a reputation as a brilliant scholar. He excelled in the study of magic and history, and was particularly interested in the ancient art of deception. However, his love of trickery often got him into trouble, and he was frequently reprimanded by his parents for his pranks and antics.

As he grew older, Asontad's love of deception only grew stronger. He became a master of disguise and a skilled liar, using his talents to manipulate those around him for his own gain. Despite his talents, he was never able to shake his reputation as a charlatan, and many in the kingdom saw him as nothing more than a common con man.

Despite his dubious reputation, Asontad managed to make a name for himself as a master of deception. He traveled the kingdom, performing elaborate tricks and scams that left his audiences in awe. He became known as the greatest trickster in all of Averstorn, and his exploits earned him a substantial fortune.

Despite his success, Asontad remained a solitary figure, never marrying or having any children. He was afraid of committing to any one person or thing, and preferred to live his life on his own terms. He was content with his life as a wandering trickster, using his talents to deceive and entertain those he met along the way.

However, Asontad's life was not without its dangers. He was constantly being hunted by those he had wronged, and he was forced to live a life of constant vigilance. He was also terrified of growing old and losing his abilities, and he did everything in his power to maintain his youth and vitality.

To protect himself from his enemies, Asontad carried an amulet with him at all times. The amulet was imbued with powerful magic that granted him the ability to change his appearance and alter his physical form. It was his most prized possession, and he would do anything to keep it safe.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0