Character portrait
Herbotum Woldcoat
75 years old
127 cm (4'2'')
75 kg (165 lbs)
Herbotum Woldcoat, 75 years old
Male dwarf
Archetype: seeker
Background: traveler
Height: 127 cm (4'2'')
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs)

Herbotum Woldcoat is a male dwarf with a long, bushy beard that he once braided with gold rings. He is a seeker by nature, always looking for new adventures and experiences to enrich his life. Born into an adventurous family lifestyle, Herbotum was raised on the road as his parents were avid travelers. He has fond memories of listening to their stories around the campfire at night.

As a child, Herbotum made a lifelong friend named Thurbark who was also a dwarf. They used to play hide-and-seek in the forest for hours on end. Thurbark was unfortunately killed in a mining accident when they were both still quite young, but Herbotum still thinks of him often.

Though Herbotum received little formal education, he was trained by both of his parents in the ways of the world. They taught him how to navigate different terrains, identify edible plants and animals, and defend himself against enemies. He has also learned a great deal from other travelers he has met over the years.

Currently, Herbotum makes a living as a treasure hunter. His work motive is to discover ancient artifacts and uncover lost secrets from the past. His best friend is a human named Arcturus who he met on a treasure hunt many years ago. They have worked together on many expeditions since then.

Herbotum has one enemy, a goblin named Zim who stole a valuable item from him on a previous treasure hunt. Though he has encountered many foes over the years, Zim is the only one who has ever truly angered him.

Marriage has never held much appeal for Herbotum, who prefers the freedom of his solitary lifestyle. He uses his political intrigue to broker deals with merchants and other underground groups to further his treasure hunting goals. His flaw is that he often takes unnecessary risks to achieve his objectives.

In his free time, Herbotum enjoys carving intricate wooden figurines and smoking his pipe. A disability in his right hand prevents him from swinging an axe as well as he used to, but he compensates by relying on his other skills.

One of his favorite jokes is, "Why did the dwarf cross the road? To get to the treasure on the other side!" Her symbol is a golden pickaxe and shovel crossed over a red background. Despite his age, Herbotum shows no sign of slowing down and will continue to travel and seek for as long as he is able.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0