Character portrait
Iola Bowditch
24 years old
150 cm (4'11'')
61 kg (134 lbs)
Iola Bowditch, 24 years old
Female human
Archetype: cleric
Background: courtier
Height: 150 cm (4'11'')
Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs)

Iola Bowditch was born into a privileged family in the Court of King Renwick. Her mother was a courtesan and her father was a high-ranking nobleman. As a child, Iola was always surrounded by beauty and splendor. She loved to watch the birds in the park and dream of one day being as beautiful as they were.

As she grew older, she began to dream of a different life. She wanted to be something more than a courtesan or a noblewoman. She wanted to be someone who could bring peace and beauty to the world.

So, when she received the opportunity to study at the Sacred College of Miracles, she eagerly accepted. It was there that she discovered her true calling - to be a cleric.

To pursue her dream, Iola left her family and all of her former friends behind. She immersed herself in the study of magic and the art of healing.

Slowly but surely, Iola began to make a difference in the world. She healed the sick and helped to bring peace and harmony to the war-torn kingdom of Dyfed.

But there was one person who refused to accept Iola's healing miracles - King Renwick.

The king was mistrustful of any members of the court who didn't hail from one of the traditional noble families. He accused Iola of being a traitor and a fraud.

But Iola refused to back down. She continued to work hard and make a difference in the world, regardless of the insults and criticism from the king.

Eventually, the king grew tired of Iola's defiance and ordered his men to kidnap her. They took her to a dark and dreary dungeon, bound her hands and feet, and left her to rot.

But Iola refused to give up. She prayed for guidance and strength, and then began to work on healing herself. It was a slow and difficult process, but eventually she was able to break free from the chains that had been binding her for years.

Now, free and inspired by her experiences, Iola travels the land helping to bring peace and healing to those in need. She is also dedicated to finding a way to free her fellow refugees from the dungeons of the king.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0