Character portrait
Yisllea Wealthy
29 years old
168 cm (5'6'')
50 kg (110 lbs)
Yisllea Wealthy, 29 years old
Female human
Archetype: creator
Background: hermit
Height: 168 cm (5'6'')
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)

Yisllea Wealthy was born to a family of wealthy merchants. She grew up in a large, luxury home, surrounded by servants. She was taught how to behave and think like a noblewoman, and spent her whole life dreaming of one day becoming a queen.

Our heroine was raised to be a noblewoman, and she has always been a polite and refined person. She has never had a lot of fun, and has never been able to say what she really thinks. She is always polite and courtly, and she rarely speaks her mind.

Yisllea was always very interested in magic, and she spent her childhood reading magical texts. She discovered that she had a lot of magical ability, and she began to experiment with magic. She was very excited about her magic, and she thought that she could change the world.

Parents married the girl early, believing that the main thing for a woman is the family. The girl did not see her husband before the wedding. When she got to know her husband better, it turned out that they had nothing in common. She got pregnant early. The birth was extremely difficult. Due to complications during childbirth, she almost completely lost her sight.

Two months later, her child died. The girl became unbearable life with her unloved husband. She ran away from home, going to the capital of the kingdom to study magic.

Currently Yisllea Wealthy works for the government, and she does secret work for the government. She does not reveal what she does. She is paid very well, and she gets to travel to exotic places.

Yisllea has a best friend Eastim , who is also a magician. They have been dating for several years. The girl believes that she has found a person with whom she can unite her fate. Young people are going to start a family in the near future.

Yisllea Wealthy has two siblings. They are both very rich, and they do not understand why Yisllea has left home, disgracing their family. They don't talk to their sister.

Yisllea Wealthy is afraid that he is rapidly losing his sight. She is terrified that she will soon be left in total darkness.dark. This has led her to be nervous and paranoid, and she often feels unsafe in the world. Nonetheless, she continues to strive for success and to make a difference in the lives of her fellow citizens.

Our heroine is a very polite and refined person. She is always willing to listen to others, and she is always worried about how she is perceived by others. She is always trying to be polite and courtly, even when she does not agree with someone.

Yisllea Wealthy believes that life is about being polite and courtly, and about never saying anything that is potentially offensive or insulting. She believes that this is the way to achieve success in life.

Yisllea Wealthy has always been very interested in adventure, and she loves to explore new places. She loves to go on mysterious quests, and she loves to find new magic secrets. She is always looking for new adventure, and she is never sure what will be waiting for her next.

Yisllea Wealthy is always wearing an amulet around her neck. It is a very powerful amulet, and it has saved her many times. He helps her discover a sixth sense that can replace her vision.

At the girl has a very peculiar mannerism. She always lowers her gaze. She wears a hat that covers her eyes.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0