Character portrait
55 years old
112 cm (3'8'')
34 kg (75 lbs)
Veroirt, 55 years old
Male goblin
Archetype: mage
Background: sage
Height: 112 cm (3'8'')
Weight: 34 kg (75 lbs)

Veroirt is a green-skinned, long-eared goblin who was born in a small, remote corner of the goblinoid kingdom. Growing up, Veroirt was always interested in the arcane arts and learned quickly. He soon developed a reputation as a powerful mage and began to train others in the art.

Over time, Veroirt's teachings began to make a significant impact on the kingdom and he was soon hailed as the newest sage.

One day, however, Veroirt's training facility was attacked by a rival mage and Veroirt was captured and held captive for many years. Eventually, he was freed and returned to his home only to find it in ruins.

Unable to find any other employment, Veroirt set out on a journey to find new knowledge and teachings. He has since traveled the world, learning everything he can. Veroirt is a kind and friendly goblin, although he can be fierce when he needs to be.

He is known for his wisdom and his ability to cast powerful spells. Veroirt is also known for his curly, green hair and long ears.

His favorite weapon is a Staff of Arcane Might. Veroirt has a deep and tangled history with one particular woman and he regrets the decisions he made in the past.

He hopes one day to find redemption for them and finally be able to forgive himself. His famous quote is " Knowledge is power, and power is absolute.".

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0