Hoftaia Jolly was born on a cold winter day, in a small town in the east in the kingdom of Ahren. She grew up surrounded by beauty and privilege, learning the arts of courtly conversation and dance.
From an early age, she showed a natural talent for the arts, and was quickly drawn to the court because of it. Hoftaia quickly gained a reputation as a beautiful and skilled beauty, and was quickly drawn into the circles of the aristocracy. She soon discovered that she had a natural ability to charm people, which made her a popular girl at court.
Over the years, Hoftaia has become an accomplished courtier and has risen through the ranks. She currently serves as the personal secretary to the Lord of the East. Hoftaia is a kind and compassionate woman, and is always there to lend a listening ear or offer a kind word to those she meets.
Hoftaia is married to a man she met at court. He is a good man, and they have a child together. Hoftaia is proud of her family and her role in society. She believes that everyone has a role to play, and that together, we can make a difference in the world.
Outside of her work, Hoftaia enjoys spending time with her daughter, listening to music, and exploring the many parks and gardens in her hometown. She was always the life of the party, always up for a game of darts or a good laugh.Hoftaia believes that life is too short to spend it on things that don't matter, and that it is important to enjoy the little things in life.
Hoftaia's favorite food is chicken leg soup, and her life mantra is "live each day to the fullest." She is known for her kind nature and her strong work ethic. Hoftaia is known for her quick wit, and is often able to come up with the perfect response to any situation.
Hoftaia is skilled with a blade, and is often called upon to protect her lord and those she cares for. Her favorite weapon is a rapier, and she is known for her grace and agility in battle.
Famous Quote: "live each day to the fullest, and enjoy the journey."