Argali-lynx is a male beastman, aged thirteen, whose nature is that of a warrior. His family origins were unusual, with his parents being outcasts from their respective clans. Born an urchin, he spent most of his younger years scavenging and fighting for survival.
Due to his harsh upbringing, Argali-lynx learned to fend for himself from a young age. One of his earliest memories is of a fierce battle between his parents and a neighboring tribe. His parents lost the battle, and he was forced to flee the scene. From that day on, he was completely alone in the wilderness.
As he grew older, Argali-lynx's instincts for survival only intensified. He became an adept hunter and warrior, relying on his feline-like reflexes to survive in the wild. However, he soon realized that he was not meant to be alone and decided to seek out companionship.
Argali-lynx's current occupation is that of a mercenary, a job he takes on for various reasons, including money and adventure. His best friend is a human archer named Kael, whom he met on a job. They bond over their mutual appreciation for nature and their desire to challenge themselves.
Despite his independent nature, Argali-lynx has formed alliances with various groups, including a tribe of beastmen and a pack of wolves. He is also known to have a soft spot for human children and will go out of his way to protect them.
Romantic relationships are not a priority for Argali-lynx, but he is open to the idea. He has never been married, nor does he have any siblings.
One adventure that stands out in Argali-lynx's mind involved him and Kael venturing into a nearby forest to retrieve a rare herb for a client. They were ambushed by a group of goblins, but with Argali-lynx's swift reflexes and Kael's steady aim, they were able to fend off the attackers and acquire the herb.
Argali-lynx's favorite weapon is a pair of daggers, which he wields with deadly precision. He has a habit of sharpening his weapons at night under the stars, finding the sound of metal on stone to be calming.
Despite his tough exterior, Argali-lynx harbors a secret desire to belong somewhere, to have a place he can call home. He hopes to one day find such a place, but until then, he will continue to roam the wilderness, seeking out challenges and protecting those in need.