Character portrait
Arleta Ferdent
28 years old
172 cm (5'8'')
52 kg (115 lbs)
Arleta Ferdent, 28 years old
Female human
Archetype: mage
Background: witch
Height: 172 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 52 kg (115 lbs)

Arleta Ferdent strides with intensity through the royal palace, her hair fluttering behind her in a self-styled wind. The eyes of each courtier she passes flicker with fear and awe, as they find themselves unable to ignore the aura of power and confidence that surrounds her. As a witch and trusted advisor to the king, Arleta wields abilities that captivate and terrify those who surround her.

Born under the crimson moon, a rare occurrence in the realm, Arleta grew up with the knowledge that she was destined for greatness. Her family, though not royalty, was well-respected for their skilled mages and witches. Her father, a formidable warrior, and her mother, a wise and beautiful enchantress, raised her in a household of magic and combat. More so than her siblings, Arleta's talents were apparent from the start, as she outshone her brothers and sisters in both strength and charm. The blood of true warriors coursed through her veins, but the fire of magical prowess burned in her eyes.

At the age of sixteen, she would meet her closest friend, Serilda, a fellow young courtier with a sharp wit and gleaming ambition. Together, they would form an allegiance that would see them through the trials and tribulations of the treacherous world of court life. Like the flickering dance of a blazing inferno, the two women would prove themselves both alluring and deadly.

As their influence in the court and the king's favor continued to grow, so too did the whispers and rumors. Arleta caught word of a plot that could've brought not just her, but the entire kingdom to its knees. In the shadows, she used her clairvoyance and cunning to uncover and unravel the web of deceit, expecting nothing in return but the continued safety of her beloved realm.

For this service, the king bestowed upon her a title that reflected not only the strength of her spirit, but also the beauty and grace she seemed to carry with her wherever she went. It was then that Arleta Ferdent became known as the Radiant Fist, and the whispers of her power and charm echoed louder through the castle halls and beyond.

In the midst of her meteoric rise, she met and fell deeply in love with a dashing young knight named Elric. Their marriage was a dazzling affair, much celebrated throughout the kingdom, and together they would face whatever came their way, from battles to betrayals, with love and loyalty holding true.

If you were to ask Arleta about her personal motto, she would say "Infernum in terra" - hell on earth. This serves as a reminder that both the power she holds and the ruthlessness she must sometimes wield are not for personal gain or boundless ambition, but rather to protect the realm that has given her everything.

But even heroes have their regrets. Tucked away in the dark recesses of her heart is the memory of a sacrifice she made many years ago, a choice that still haunts her to this very day. She dares not speak of it, even to those closest to her, hiding the truth behind her angry, sexy, and powerful exterior. It is this secret that ultimately drives her to be better, to use her gifts for good, and to make a difference in the world.

And so, Arleta Ferdent, the Radiant Fist, serves her kingdom with the same fire and grit that first drew the eyes of those around her. But do not be fooled by her enchanting smile or lithe, mesmerizing form, for she is a maelstrom of power, a force to be reckoned with, and a name that will be remembered throughout history: the brilliant mage witch, the captivating warrior, the heart and soul of the realm.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0