Character portrait
33 years old
116 cm (3'10'')
46 kg (101 lbs)
Graak, 33 years old
Male goblin
Archetype: ruler
Background: noble
Height: 116 cm (3'10'')
Weight: 46 kg (101 lbs)

Graak, the Green-Skinned Ruler with Long Ears and a Furry green Beard, was born into a noble family in the underground empire of Rorhaz. Oroth, his father, was one of the most respected military leaders of the community, while his mother, Mira, was a renowned merchant who frequently negotiated trade deals with human settlements from above ground. Young Graak was raised in a privileged but disciplined household where propriety, etiquette, and assertiveness were highly valued.

As a child, Graak was fascinated by stories of conquest and ambition. His father would often regale him with tales of goblin warriors who conquered neighboring territories and amassed hordes of wealth and power. Graak's natural ruthlessness and love for dominion caused him to gravitate towards these stories, desiring the opportunity to one day lead armies of his own.

Graak's early life was dominated by rigorous scholarly pursuits, such as military history and battle tactics. However, the arrival of his mentor, the elder sorcerer, Ralaka, changed everything. Ralaka schooled Graak in the art of magical manipulation, herbology, and astrology. With Ralaka's teachings, Graak discovered how much more potent and versatile he could be when intertwined with occult knowledge.

During his later development, Graak quickly usurped rival noble houses and ascended to the throne of Rorhaz. His ruthless assaults brought him immediate control over his neighbors' lands, and his quick offensive left no quarter. Graak proved himself to be an adept fighter and an imaginative strategist, relying on his intelligence as much as his brawn.

His current occupation is that of a wise but cold leader, ruling his subjects fiercely yet keeping peace and safety never seen before in Rorhaz. It's said that Graak remains loyal to his father's and mentor’s fulfillment of narratives’ closing, lusting for more dominance as well as divination prowess.

Graak believes family members are pawns in their devotion to their ambitions. Graak identifies that resource-consuming has no benefits, and he advises his officers to maintain high wages for their subordinates to be more productive. Graak only consumes a reasonable amount for his family's entertainment despite immense wealth.

Graak highly depends on the power of divination and sorcery. His favorite practices rely on the assembly of rare herbs and potions, secluding himself in solitude for weeks, delving into the occult, and gaining significant knowledge.

Graak often calls himself Globin King, found flattering by his closest allies, but firmly obligates evading descriptive adjectives. His noteworthy frenzy towards development snubbed many opportunities for adjectives, of the source derogatory names for him such as cool-minded tyrant, a magician, Goblin King, green-goblin Wharton, and the likes.

Graak, the surly, commanding wizard of his motherland, is often cursed or revered depending on kinsmen's conditions. Although mistrusted sometimes yet revered at critical moments, his services toe the mythical scenery.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0