Character portrait
47 years old
173 cm (5'8'')
79 kg (174 lbs)
Ushat, 47 years old
Female orc
Archetype: villain
Background: witch
Height: 173 cm (5'8'')
Weight: 79 kg (174 lbs)

Ushat is born in the bleak and windswept plains of the Vartun Wastes. Her childhood home is a crude assemblage of stone and bone, an abode befitting a clan of warriors seasoned in the art of survival. Ushat’s early life is marked by an upbringing steeped in harsh discipline and ancient rites. The youngest of four siblings, she endures rigorous training in combat and magic from a tender age, fostered by the warlocks of her clan who recognize the latent mystical potential within her.

As she matures, Ushat hones her skills in both martial prowess and dark sorcery. Her pale skin, weathered from exposure to the elements, is adorned with intricate facial tattoos signifying her status and achievements within the clan. Her sharp features and muscular build are complemented by her dark, braided hair, often adorned with a headband set with luminescent gems. Her long, pointed ears and menacing yellow eyes that seem to glow with an inner fire make her a fearsome sight.

In her later development, Ushat emerges as a potent mage, wielding spells that bend nature’s forces to her will. Her attire reflects her dual affinity for warfare and sorcery: leather armor augmented with mystical runes and adorned with intricate jewelry that enhances her magical capabilities. Horns protrude from her forehead, a mark of her high standing among the orcish warlocks.

Currently, Ushat serves as a high witch for the Vartun clan, orchestrating raids and leading dark rituals that amplify the clan's power. Her stern expression and commanding presence instill both fear and respect among her followers. She is driven by a relentless ambition to elevate her clan to supremacy and seeks to harness forbidden magics to achieve this end.

Despite her menacing demeanor, Ushat's closest confidante is a fellow witch named Varokk, a bond forged through shared trials and arcane pursuits. Varokk acts as both ally and advisor, their companionship tempered by mutual respect and a recognition of each other's formidable abilities.

Ushat’s greatest fear is the collapse of her clan, a vision that haunts her dreams and fuels her unyielding quest for power. Her life credo is simple and uncompromising: "Power is the only truth." This guiding principle shapes her every action, driving her to delve deeper into the mysteries of dark magic and to seek ever greater authority.

Spiritual beliefs for Ushat are deeply intertwined with the veneration of ancient spirits and elemental forces. She performs elaborate rituals to commune with these entities, seeking their guidance and drawing on their strength.

A defining moment in Ushat’s life is the discovery of an ancient tome hidden within the ruins of a long-forgotten temple. This event unlocks new and perilous avenues of magic, setting her on a path that intertwines destiny with danger. Her flaw, however, is a tempestuous temperament that sometimes clouds her judgment, causing rifts with allies and reckless decisions that court disaster.

Ushat possesses an innate talent for both battle and sorcery, a dual aspect that situates her as both a feared warrior and a revered mage. Her history is tangled with betrayals, conquests, and the ceaseless pursuit of forbidden knowledge. She travels extensively, seeking out arcane artifacts and lost spells that can augment her power.

Her symbol, an intricate sigil of intertwined serpents and flames, represents her fusion of strength and arcana. This emblem, etched onto her armor and tattooed on her body, signifies her identity and her unyielding resolve.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0