Character portrait
7700 years old
148 cm (4'10'')
0 kg (0 lbs)
Breenelle, 7700 years old
Female angel
Archetype: mage
Background: artisan
Height: 148 cm (4'10'')
Weight: 0 kg (0 lbs)

Breenelle came into being 7700 years ago, coalescing from celestial ether when the divine choirs sang a new sister into the shimmering folds of creation. As a fledgling angel, she mimicked the songs that shaped the nebulae and lit fledgling stars.

Over eons Breenelle cultivated her talents in weaving light and music into beautiful tangibles. In the silvery cosmic meadows she sculpted saint-symbols from stardust and fashioned wind chimes that echoed the Music of the Spheres. These gifts elevated the spirits of younger angels still learning to manifest their grace.

When not engrossed in crafting, Breenelle explored the celestial dimensions and metaphysical realms accessible only to angels. The wonders she witnessed expanded her soul and inspired her artistic expressions.

After the Heavenly Rebellion fractured angelic society, Breenelle retreated to a solitary corner of the Empyrean where she crafts and teaches small groups of angels. She refuses to take sides in the political schisms, believing that harmony and unity of spirit can yet be restored.

Breenelle now focuses her efforts on composing a symphony encapsulating the glory of creation. Into the score's intertwining melodies she weaves all that she has seen and felt over the millennia. She labors tirelessly, hoping this magnum opus will remind angelkind of their shared divine essence. The music is her legacy, her act of faith.

When the final movement fades on celestial strings, Breenelle's labors will be complete. She will lay down her essence back into the holy river source, having expressed her small unique facet of the infinite.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0