Character portrait
24 years old
160 cm (5'3'')
73 kg (161 lbs)
Annasde, 24 years old
Female human
Archetype: druid
Background: courtier
Height: 160 cm (5'3'')
Weight: 73 kg (161 lbs)

Annasde grew up on a small farm in the countryside. While there, she spent her days playing with birds and exploring the forest nearby. As a young druid, she found her natural affinity for the wild, and learned to use her powers to defend the innocent and defend nature from harm.

Over the years, Annasde has worked to protect the land and the people who live there, using her magic and her strength to fight against evil. She is a beloved member of the community, and many people look to her for guidance and support.

Annasde is currently employed as a druid by the local government. She uses her power to help protect the area and to ensure that the people living there have a safe and healthy life. She is also a scholar, and is well-known for her knowledge of the natural world.

Annasde has a best friend named Mia who has been by her side for as long as Annasde can remember. Mia is a strong young woman, and she has always been there to help Annasde when she needs it.

Annasde's enemies are always looking for an opportunity to harm her and the people she loves, but she always manages to find a way to overcome them. Her strength and her dedication to her mission have made her a well-known figure in the community.

Some people say that Annasde's druidic powers give her an advantage over others, and that she is capable of doing things that others cannot. However, Annasde always tries to use her powers for the benefit of the community, not for her own gain.

Annasde is a faithful member of her church, and she believes in the teachings of her faith. She is a kind and caring person, and she loves spending time with her son.

Some people say that Annasde's flamboyant dress and her wild hair make her look like a Gypsy, and that this is one of the reasons why her enemies always seem to target her. However, Annasde knows that her appearance is just a part of who she is, and she is not concerned about what others think of her.

One of the things that Annasde is most proud of is her amulet. It is a sacred object, and it has been instrumental in helping her to protect the people she loves.

Annasde's favorite quote is from the ancient druid Taliesin: "The best thing about the world is that it's always changing."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0