Lokour Icedigger was born deep in the dwarven mountains of Nothril, where the air was cool and the stone was hard. He comes from a long line of warriors, with his most famous ancestor being Lornak Battlehammer, who fought in the War of the Dark Lord and who was said to have slain a thousand orcs in a single battle.
Growing up, Lokour had a happy childhood surrounded by his loving family. However, there were secrets within his family that he never knew. His father, a soldier in the dwarven army, was killed in battle when Lokour was only ten years old. It wasn't until years later that he learned that his father had been accused of stealing from the army's treasury just before his death.
Lokour's early life was spent training in the art of war. He was mentored by his cousin, a grizzled veteran who had fought in many battles. Under his tutelage, Lokour learned how to wield an axe and a hammer, and how to fight with a shield. He was a quick learner and soon became a skilled warrior in his own right.
As Lokour developed into a warrior, his desire to join the dwarven army grew stronger. Eventually, he enlisted and was deployed to the front lines of the War of the Black Crypt. It was there that he gained the respect of his fellow soldiers, displaying incredible bravery and skill in battle.
Currently, Lokour is a captain in the dwarven army and serves as a trainer for new recruits. His work motive is to ensure that the next generation of dwarven soldiers is prepared for the battles that lie ahead.
Despite his many accomplishments, Lokour has made some enemies along the way. One particular orc warlord has sworn to kill Lokour, seeking revenge for the many battles he has lost to him.
Lokour has a daughter whom he loves deeply, and two younger siblings who look up to him as a role model. His life credo is simple: fight for what is right and protect those who cannot protect themselves. He has a deep belief in his dwarven gods and regularly prays to them for guidance.
Throughout his life, Lokour has faced many tragic events. He has lost numerous friends in battle and has seen the horrors that war can bring. But despite these tragedies, he remains steadfast in his belief that he is doing the right thing.
Lokour has a talent for crafting beautiful items out of stone, and he often spends his free time doing just that. He has never committed a crime, and his only quirk is that he is incredibly protective of his beard.
His favorite quote is: "Our axes will sing and our hammers will ring. For we are dwarves, and we never quit."
Lokour dreams of one day retiring from the army and spending his twilight years crafting beautiful works of art. His only regret is that he was never able to reconcile with his father before his death.
The symbol that Lokour identifies with is a hammer and anvil, representing the strength and hard work that he embodies as a warrior and a craftsman.