Taf's trail of carnage began at birth – emerging into the world with a lusty wail and thatch of fiery red hair foreshadowing the unholy rage that would one day consume him. The son of a decorated warrior clan, young Taf underwent brutal training from a tender age in ancient martial arts. He excelled quickly, besting all opponents with a ferocious intensity that seemed to verge on madness itself.
His martial talents earned Taf an ominous epithet – "the Wild." For in the throes of combat, something feral overtook his eyes, unlocking obscene reserves of strength, speed and savagery. Then, as quickly as it came, the crimson haze lifted – leaving Taf haunted by feverish memories of the atrocities his blackened soul had wrought.
His life veered onto a darker path when he was captured by bloodthirsty pirates. They subjected Taf to sickening trials - injecting an alchemic witch's brew into his veins designed to strip away what lingering humanity remained. The agony transformed him into an eternal vessel of waking violence, enslaved by his own insatiable battle-lust. Taf slaughtered his tormentors and burned their settlement to ashes that night before vanishing like a haunted specter into the gloom.
In the years since, Taf has carved a swathe of terror as the most fearsome bounty hunter in the realms. He roams from bloody conflict to conflict, beholden to none but his own insatiable cravings for violence. His ruddy hair has faded to a deep crimson hue, as if stained by the tides of gore spilled in his psychotic wake. His flesh is latticed by scars, his hollow eyes betraying a soul drowned in seas of innocent blood spilled.
Taf's only tether to the mortal world is his dwarven friend Gor – the two having been nigh-inseparable since meeting as urchin wanderers. Gor's good-humored bluster is a fleeting salve to the darkness devouring Taf from within. The dwarf's companionship is an anchor, however tenuous, preventing the berserker from surrendering his last shreds of humanity.
For Taf has evolved beyond such corporeal concepts as creed or ideology. He exists only to unleash his demi-godly powers of destruction upon any who dare cross his path, guided by a simple ethos: "Might makes right." His many foes have learned to dread the mad berserker's signature battle quip, groaned from a killer's smiling lips: "Life is a series of unavoidable challenges...you can't control the outcome, only how you respond." And Taf's response is to bring about an endless red berserker dawn.