Character portrait
Vofreath Flintmaster
145 years old
154 cm (5'1'')
80 kg (176 lbs)
Vofreath Flintmaster, 145 years old
Male dwarf
Archetype: sage
Background: spy
Height: 154 cm (5'1'')
Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs)

Vofreath Flintmaster was born into a long line of proud dwarves, descending from the ancient mountain kingdoms that spanned the continent during the Age of Legends. His father, Kraggon Flintmaster, was a renowned blacksmith and his mother, Gertie, a skilled brewer of ale. As a child, Vofreath spent his time exploring the winding tunnels and caverns beneath the earth, listening wide-eyed to tales of dwarven glory and feasting on savory pies and sweet mead.

As he grew older, Vofreath became enamored with the art of espionage, and began to train in the shadows, learning the art of deception and espionage from his mentor, the venerable Zarna Nightshade. She taught him the art of disguise, how to pick locks and pockets, and how to eavesdrop without detection.

Vofreath's later development led him to become a wise sage, revered among his people for his wisdom and insight. He spends his days pouring over ancient texts and arcane tomes, seeking insight into the mysteries of the universe.

Despite his love for learning and knowledge, Vofreath's work motive is pure, driven by a desire to protect his people from the dangers that lurk in the depths. He allies with other wise and powerful adventurers, ready to fight against the forces of darkness that threaten their land, and has made many enemies along the way, as those who would do harm fear him and his allies.

Vofreath prefers to remain unmarried, feeling that the life of a sage is better suited to a solitary existence, and is known to be afraid of nothing but the loss of knowledge and the destruction of his people.

His personality is quiet and reserved, but his determination and bravery are unquestionable, and his life credo is "knowledge is power". He has a strong sense of morality, and will not hesitate to take up arms in defense of his people or those he loves.

His sense of adventure often leads him into dangerous situations, but his intelligence and quick thinking allow him to come out on top, more often than not. His one flaw is a stubbornness that can sometimes cloud his judgment, but he is quick to correct such errors.

Vofreath is known for his bushy beard, which reaches down his chest and is often braided with precious gems and beads. He has a habit of stroking it absentmindedly when deep in thought, and his mannerism of silently observing his surroundings has led many to underestimate him.

At times, Vofreath regrets not seeing more of the world beyond the mountains, but he is content with his life's work in protecting his homeland, a duty he feels his divine ancestors have bestowed upon him. He suffers from occasional bouts of rheumatism due to his advanced age, but he refuses to let it slow him down.

His symbol is a stylized mountain with a dwarf silhouette standing atop it. Vofreath Flintmaster is an invaluable asset to his people, a sage who has dedicated his life to the pursuit of knowledge and the protection of his homeland against those who seek its destruction. His unwavering commitment to his cause makes him one of the most respected dwarves the world over.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0