Hiot's family origin is mysterious, and little is known about his early life. All that is known is that he was born in a landlocked city on the continent of Arix, and that his parents were both mercenaries. Hiot himself was never particularly interested in his family's history, preferring to focus on the present and the future.
As a young satyr, he was always restless and eager to explore the world. He often found himself on the run from the authorities, and it wasn't until he met a travelling troupe of fauns that he finally found a place where he felt at home. The fauns were kind and accepting, and Hiot soon found himself joining their company.
Later on, Hiot's wanderlust took him to many different places and cultures. He learned much about the world, and gained a vast amount of experience in many different fields. This made him a valuable asset to any company he joined, and he quickly became one of the most skilled mercenaries in the land.
He has spent time in the kingdoms of Arendelle and Gondor, and has even ventured to the far reaches of the world, to the desert realm of Oz and the frigid land of Svartalfheim.
Despite all his travels, however, Hiot has never found the peace he's always been searching for. He knows that he still has a lot to learn, and that there are still places out there that he has yet to explore.
Hiot's main motivation in life is to experience as much as he can. He believes that the more knowledge he gains, the better equipped he will be to face the challenges of life.
Hiot's life motto is "take the journey, not the destination". He believes that the best way to enjoy life is to go on adventure, and to explore as much of the world as possible.
Hiot's life-defining event was when he met the fauns. They were the first people to show him that there was more to life than just running and fighting. They showed him that there was a world of beauty and wonder out there, and that he could be more than just a mercenary.
Hiot's symbol is his horn, which he always keeps concealed. He believes that it is the symbol of wisdom, and that it can help him talk to the animals and commune with the natural world.