Character portrait
Khoundaeth Fierybraid
93 years old
136 cm (4'6'')
72 kg (159 lbs)
Khoundaeth Fierybraid, 93 years old
Male dwarf
Archetype: trickster
Background: pirate
Height: 136 cm (4'6'')
Weight: 72 kg (159 lbs)

Khoundaeth Fierybraid was born amidst the turbulent waves and salty winds of the Shimmering Cove, a notorious haven for the fiercest pirates of the Mirrored Sea. His lineage, however, is rooted in the ancient Dvergholm Mountains, where his ancestors once forged legendary weapons deep within their volcanic forges. Despite this noble lineage, the call of the sea was stronger, and Khoundaeth's parents, renegade dwarves themselves, embraced the life of piracy when he was but a child.

From a young age, Khoundaeth learned the art of navigation and swordplay, but more importantly, he mastered the craft of deception and sleight of hand—a skill set that proved invaluable in his later years. His nature as a trickster was evident early on; he was known for swindling merchants in bustling port markets and outsmarting rival pirates who underestimated his cunning because of his jovial demeanor and seemingly straightforward approach.

Khoundaeth's physical appearance is distinct: he is bald and has a gray braided beard interwoven with gold decorations. His eyes twinkle with mirth and mischief, yet those who know him well understand that this masks a sharp and strategic mind capable of calculating risks and rewards with precision.

Throughout his mid-life, Khoundaeth sailed under the black flag of the infamous captain Grald Ironhook, a tyrant feared across the waters. Khoundaeth's role aboard the "Gorgon's Gaze" was multifaceted; he was a navigator, a strategist, and often the captain's personal confidante, particularly in matters of deceit and political intrigue. Despite his position and feared reputation, Khoundaeth maintained a certain lightheartedness, often diffusing tense situations among the crew with his well-timed humor and clever tricks.

Khoundaeth's legacy as a pirate is also marked by several grand heists that are still spoken of in the taverns of port cities. The most notable among these was the theft of the Sapphire of Minloth from the vaults of the tyrannical Governor Fjolar, a feat accomplished through an elaborate scheme involving disguises, a series of orchestrated distractions, and an expertly navigated getaway under the cloak of darkness.

Throughout his adventures, Khoundaeth never sought to rule or gain title; instead, he thrived on the chaos and freedom that came with his chosen path. His exploits, while often on the fringe of legality, were typically aimed at those he deemed corrupt or unworthy of their riches, a personal code of conduct that earned him a Robin Hood-like reputation among the common folk.

As Khoundaeth Fierybraid moves through his middle years, he finds himself contemplating a life beyond piracy, driven perhaps by a lingering desire to reconnect with his ancestral roots in Dvergholm. Nevertheless, the sea remains his first love, and he is often torn between the land that calls to him with its deep, ancient magics and the endless horizon that promises yet more adventures and treasures to those daring enough to chase them.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0