Character portrait
38 years old
164 cm (5'5'')
106 kg (234 lbs)
Garth, 38 years old
Male humanoid
Archetype: trickster
Background: herbalist
Height: 164 cm (5'5'')
Weight: 106 kg (234 lbs)

Garth's family origin is obscure, but it appears his ancestors were herbalists for many generations. Even though he was never formally trained in the trade, Garth has spent his life learning from his family and from his own experiences. He was always fascinated by the natural world and prided himself on being an knowledgeable herbalist.

Garth's early life was fairly normal, save for one notable event. When he was just five years old, Garth was running through the forest when he tripped and stumbled on a bundle of dried herbs. When he looked closer, he saw that it was a plant that his family never used. Garth was so excited to find out what this new plant was that he forgot all about his fall and ran back to tell his family.

Since that day, Garth has been obsessed with learning more about plants. He started by reading the old texts his family owned, then sought out advice from the local herbalists. He soon became known as a knowledgable herbalist in his community.

Garth's passion for plants eventually led him to begin specializing in the cultivation of new varieties of plants. He has spent the past few years working on a project to develop a new type of herb that is resistant to blight.

Garth currently works as a herbalist in a small town in the countryside. He is married to a woman who is also a herbalist. They have two children.

Garth's life credo is "be kind to the world, and it will be kind to you." He believes that by treating the environment and other creatures with respect, we can create a more sustainable future.

Garth's life-defining event was the day he found the new plant. Since then, he has been obsessed with learning as much as he can about plants and the natural world.

Garth has a characteristic mannerism of patting his stomach after he has made a joke. He also tends to say "favotire joke" a lot.

Garth's secret is that he is a shape-shifter. He can change into any animal or plant that he comes across.

Garth's dream is of discovering a new species of plant that can help preserve the environment.

Garth's tangled history includes a time when he was captured by a group of bandits and forced to serve as their slave. He was able to escape and return to his home town with the help of a friend.

Garth has a disability that affects his left leg. Due to this, he is sometimes unable to walk without assistance.

Famous quote: "Knowledge is power. And if you have the power to save the world, then you have the power to save yourself."

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0