Character portrait
Wоlmard Bоln
36 years old
184 cm (6'0'')
90 kg (198 lbs)
Wоlmard Bоln, 36 years old
Male half-elf
Archetype: creator
Background: merchant
Height: 184 cm (6'0'')
Weight: 90 kg (198 lbs)

Wоlmard Bоln, hailing from the city of Оfроrе, bears the unique heritage of a human father and an elven mother, a blend of two worlds etched into his very being. His form, a testament to this mix, marries the distinct traits of both races. His visage, a harmonious fusion, boasts a beard reminiscent of his father, endowing him with a rugged handsomeness that harmonizes perfectly with his robust physique. From his elven lineage, Wоlmard inherits the telltale long ears, graceful and pointed, and a cascade of bluish hair that drapes his head.

His formative years were spent in a quiet rural farmstead, a peaceful abode that found itself surrounded by sprawling fields and ancient forests. In the embrace of nature, Wоlmard explored the world around him with an inquisitive heart, his days infused with the wonders of the countryside.

Yet, during those impressionable years, Wоlmard often felt like the outsider—the lone half-elf amidst the rural setting. It was a perplexing isolation that he could never quite decipher. Whether it was due to his elven heritage or simply because he was different from those around him, he remained uncertain. Nonetheless, he found solace in his solitary explorations, reveling in the solitude that allowed him to traverse the countryside undisturbed.

Upon completing his elementary education, Wоlmard departed from his childhood home, stepping onto the path of entrepreneurship with confidence and determination. His tireless efforts bore fruit as he swiftly built a prosperous empire, a testament to his unwavering work ethic and indomitable spirit.

However, Wоlmard was far from content to rest on his laurels. The allure of the wider world beckoned to him, and he heeded its call with enthusiasm. He embarked on journeys to diverse corners of the world, immersing himself in the myriad cultures and histories he encountered. His artistic soul flourished as he developed a distinctive style, which he readily shared with friends and fellow artists.

Now in the early years of his 26th cycle of life, Wоlmard continues to reside in the city, but his heart remains nomadic. A wanderer at heart, he shirks the confinement of any single place, perpetually seeking new horizons and fresh experiences.

Beneath the veneer of adventure and confidence lies a different truth—Wоlmard's innate shyness and insecurity. A fear of solitude and judgment plagues him, a struggle he battles internally. Yet, his steadfast belief in the limitless potential of human endeavor serves as a beacon of hope and motivation.

Despite his personal challenges, Wоlmard is a gentle and compassionate soul, prioritizing the welfare of others above his own. His heart beats in harmony with the arts and culture, his love for them a guiding light in his life. His conviction is unwavering—anything is attainable with dedication and perseverance.

His dreams embody a simple existence in harmony with nature, where he can channel his artistic spirit and share his creations with kindred souls. To him, the notion of limitless possibilities is more than just a mantra—it's a profound belief that fuels his journey.

Around his neck, Wоlmard dons an amulet, a physical embodiment of his dream. Crafted delicately from precious metal, it's a cherished keepsake, a talisman that he carries with him, a symbol of his aspirations and the infinite potential he believes resides within us all.

However, hidden beneath his exterior, Wоlmard grapples with a deep-seated fear of abandonment. His sensitivity and insecurity occasionally lead him to withdraw when confronted with feelings of isolation or fear. Yet, he persists, ever determined to overcome these personal struggles on his path to realizing his dreams.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0