Character portrait
24 years old
87 cm (2'10'')
18 kg (40 lbs)
Qiao, 24 years old
Female siren
Archetype: sage
Background: soothsayer
Height: 87 cm (2'10'')
Weight: 18 kg (40 lbs)

Qiao was born to a crossbreed mother and a bird father. As a child, she was always the outcast of her family and was ridiculed for her strange appearance. Her body and wings were covered with feathers, and her face was human. In addition, unlike the sonorous sirens, her voice was quiet and hoarse.

However, her true gift - her ability to see the future - always remained hidden.One day, peering into the expanse of the lake, she saw patterns on the water, which gradually turned into pictures where she saw herself in the future. What he saw frightened our heroine. She realized that she had the gift of foresight, but did not know how to use it.

Qiao's life changed dramatically when she met a sage who taught her the ways of the world. He showed her that her gift was not a curse but a blessing, and that she could use it to help others.

Qiao continues to use her gift to help others, and she is respected and loved for it. She is currently a soothsayer, and her clients range from nobles to commoners. She is happy with her life, and she has never regretted choosing to use her power to help others.

Qiao is a kind and gentle person, and she is always willing to help those in need. She is also loyal to her friends, and she will do anything to help them. Qiao is a symbol of hope for those who are struggling, and she is always there to comfort them.

Qiao has one significant flaw - she is sometimes too trusting. This can lead her into difficult situations, and she sometimes regrets not being more cautious. However, she is self-aware and knows that she has to learn to be more careful in the future.

Qiao's life motto is "Life is full of hardships, but it is also full of possibilities." She believes that every person has the potential to do great things, and she is always willing to help them achieve their dreams.

Qiao's symbol is a crossroads, because it is at these intersections that she has helped the most people. She is also known for her mannerism - she often twirls her hair and rocks back and forth when she is nervous or excited.

Qiao is a kind and gentle person, and she is always willing to help those in need. She is also loyal to her friends, and she will do anything to help them. Qiao is a symbol of hope for those who are struggling, and she is always there to comfort them.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2025. v1.1.0