Character portrait
29 years old
191 cm (6'3'')
80 kg (176 lbs)
Kurz, 29 years old
Male orc
Archetype: trickster
Background: hunter
Height: 191 cm (6'3'')
Weight: 80 kg (176 lbs)

Kurz was born in the orcish city of Orgrimmar. His parents were both hunters and they raised their son to be a skilled hunter as well. Kurz had a happy childhood memories that included playing in the forest with his friends and exploring the many caves and dungeons nearby.

As he grew older, Kurz began to explore the world outside of Orgrimmar more and more. He loved to journey through the wild forests and climb the tallest mountains. Kurz's favorite adventure involved hunting down a rare monster deep in the forest. Although he was successful in slaying the monster, Kurz always felt alive when he was out on a dangerous adventure.

Although Kurz loved to explore the world, he also loved to stay close to his family and friends. He was always there to lend a hand or a listening ear when needed.

Kurz also had a deep-seated sense of justice and he fought tirelessly to protect the people of Orgrimmar. This was best exemplified when Kurz led an assault on the human city of Stratholme to free the orc population from human oppression.

Although Kurz loved to adventure, he also had a strong sense of responsibility. He always made sure to take care of his family and friends before setting out on any new adventures. Kurz also had a life-defining event that changed the course of his life. After a long and grueling battle, Kurz finally won the trust of the legendary dragon Azshara. Azshara granted Kurz the power to become a dragon hunter and protect the world from the vile dragons.

Nowadays, Kurz travels the world and protects innocents from the evil dragons. He continues to live by the life credo that he learned from Azshara: to never forget where he came from and to always hold on to the fond memories of his childhood.

Kurz is a dedicated adventurer who always puts others first. He is known for his clever and misleading tactics that often get him out of trouble. In spite of his chaotic nature, Kurz is a loyal friend and family man. He is always there to lend a hand or a listening ear when needed.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0