Character portrait
36 years old
171 cm (5'7'')
66 kg (146 lbs)
Baluth, 36 years old
Male humanoid
Archetype: druid
Background: hunter
Height: 171 cm (5'7'')
Weight: 66 kg (146 lbs)

Baluth is a young, male, tattooed, alien druid who was born in a remote planet. His family origin is unknown; all that is known is that they were hunters and he grew up in the wild.

Baluth's Childhood home was a dark and foreboding place, where he spent his childhood exploring the woods and hunting beasts. It was during this time that Baluth first developed a love for the wilderness and nature.

Later on, Baluth left home and began his own journey, travelling the galaxy in search of new and exciting adventures. Baluth has never really settled down and has never had a regular job; he has always been a nomad, wandering the galaxy and taking on new challenges.

Baluth's best friend is a grizzled space pirate who has been through many adventures together. They share a strong bond and enjoy spending time together. Baluth's Life-defining event occurred when he faced a dark force that threatened the entire galaxy.

Using his druidic powers, Baluth was able to defeat the evil force and save the day. This event cemented Baluth's place in the galaxy and made him a hero.

Baluth's Talent is his natural ability to commune with nature, which he uses to tap into the power of the wild. This talent has helped him accomplish many amazing feats in his adventures.

His favorite weapon is a trusty javelin launcher, which he uses to take down his enemies. Baluth has a mannered way of speaking and often uses grandiose words and phrases.

He possesses a disability, which is a cybernetic arm that he was given after he faced the dark force.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0