Character portrait
45 years old
209 cm (6'10'')
78 kg (172 lbs)
Snat, 45 years old
Male orc
Archetype: destroyer
Background: ruler
Height: 209 cm (6'10'')
Weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)

Sleep is a fearsome warlord who rules over his orc army with an iron fist. His demonic features are accentuated by his long, pointed ears that seem to twitch at even the slightest sound. Sleep's evil reputation precedes him wherever he goes, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

As a youth, Sleep was a mischievous troublemaker, always causing trouble for his family and community. His love for violence led to constant scuffles with his peers, and he soon learned to harness his anger, ultimately leading him down a path of destruction.

Further development saw Sleep grow into a formidable warrior, trained in the art of combat by his elders. His reputation as a fierce fighter quickly spread, earning him a prominent place among the Orc tribes.

Sleep's current occupation involves controlling and expanding his empire. He is always on the lookout for new resources, allies, and weapons to aid him in his never-ending quest for power. In his mind, the weak are meant to be ruled, and the strong are meant to lead.

Despite his ruthless nature, Sleep has a small circle of trusted allies. These individuals have proven their loyalty time and again, and Sleep knows that he can rely on them to get the job done.

Marriage and family are not a priority for Sleep, but he does have a son who he acknowledges, but avoids spending time with. Their relationship is strained, as Sleep is more interested in his pursuits of conquest and power, rather than spending quality time with his son.

Personality-wise, Sleep is a complex individual. He is fiercely ambitious, driven, and possesses an incredible amount of willpower. But beneath his hard exterior lies a deep sense of loneliness and a hint of sadness that haunts him at all times.

Sleep's political opinions are simple. Power goes to the strong, and the weak should be ruled. He believes that the Orc race should be the dominant one, ruling over all others.

A life-defining event for Sleep was when he decimated an entire village, slaughtering countless innocent civilians. This event proved to be a turning point in his life, solidifying his thirst for power and making him more ruthless than ever before.

Crime comes easily to Sleep, as he doesn't hesitate to break any laws or morals if it means achieving his goals. There is no limit to what he will do to succeed.

Sleep's cultural practices are heavily rooted in Orc traditions and beliefs. He is a devout follower of their religion, participating in rituals and offerings when he deems it necessary.

As for his dreams and mysteries, little is known about them. Sleep keeps his thoughts and desires close to his chest, rarely revealing his true intentions or motivations to anyone.

Sleep's favorite joke is anything that involves violence or destruction. He finds humor in the chaos and destruction that he unleashes on his enemies.

In terms of symbols, Sleep is often represented by the color red, symbolizing his fiery spirit and his destructive tendencies.

Overall, Sleep is a terrifying figure, capable of great violence and destruction. His demonic features and long ears only serve to accentuate his evil reputation, making him a force to be reckoned with in the fantasy world.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0