Character portrait
Orampur Umananbo
126 years old
188 cm (6'2'')
78 kg (172 lbs)
Orampur Umananbo, 126 years old
Male elf
Archetype: companion
Background: noble
Height: 188 cm (6'2'')
Weight: 78 kg (172 lbs)

Orampur Umananbo was born into a life of privilege and prosperity, the son of a noble family in the forest kingdom of Umana. Surrounded by love and laughter in his childhood, he cherished the moments spent with his family and close friends, exploring the woods and playing games. But the happiest moments of his life were always those shared with his beloved mother.

Despite his idyllic upbringing, Orampur was a driven individual from a young age, determined to make his family proud and become the best possible elf he could be. His strong work ethic and innate sense of responsibility saw him rise through the ranks of the military, where he honed his skills and gained valuable experience as a leader and warrior. His expertise in the art of war and unwavering dedication to his people earned him great respect and admiration among his fellow elves.

Orampur was a striking figure, with features that set him apart from others in his clan. His large, ocean-blue eyes and widely-spread elven ears were framed by his bluish hair, and his skin had a slightly pinkish tint, a feature passed down to him from his mother's Rainbow Elf heritage. His appearance was almost ethereal, and the young elf was well-aware of the effect he had on women, who were often left frozen and enamored by his presence.

Despite the attention he received, Orampur's heart remained free, as he searched for that one special person who could capture his heart. Even in the midst of his military duties and the many accomplishments that came with them, he never forgot the people and places that had shaped him into the elf he had become. He made time for frequent visits to his childhood home and the friends and family who filled his life with happiness.

As he looked ahead to the future, Orampur was filled with excitement and anticipation, eager to see where his journey would take him next. But he would never forget the foundation upon which he had built his life – the love and laughter of his childhood, the support and guidance of his family, and the unwavering commitment to his people that had driven him from the start.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0