Character portrait
Clamo Bal Mer
49 years old
109 cm (3'7'')
43 kg (95 lbs)
Clamo Bal Mer, 49 years old
Male gnome
Archetype: companion
Background: entertainer
Height: 109 cm (3'7'')
Weight: 43 kg (95 lbs)

Born in the city of Vellovia, Clamo's earliest memories are steeped in the sounds of laughter and music. His mother, a gnome tavern singer renowned for her hauntingly beautiful melodies, nurtured a love for music within him. Clamo began playing the lute at a young age, serenading the streets with songs both merry and melancholic. By the time he reached his teenage years, he was a fixture in local taverns, captivating audiences with tales of heroes long past and romances that set hearts aflame.

However, the humidity of Vellovia was not all vibrant art and revelry. The walls of the city echoed with stories of betrayal and conflict, and when mercenaries began to frequent his mother’s tavern, Clamo’s curiosity turned to fascination. Intrigued by the life of adventure and danger, he soon discovered that entertainers often found themselves entangled in the affairs of mercenaries.

At twenty, Clamo joined the Solemn Brothers, a mercenary company known for their fierce loyalty and somber demeanor. Yet, unlike many of his compatriots, he did not abandon his lute. Instead, he used his music as a means to forge camaraderie among the ragtag group of warriors. His ability to lift spirits before battles with soulful ballads quickly earned him the title of the company’s “Songkeeper.”

Despite his rugged lifestyle, Clamo constantly dreams of a quieter existence. Hidden beneath layers of bravado and professionalism is a yearning for peace. He imagines a humble cottage by the sea, where he can weave melodies without the threat of a sword hanging over him. Yet, destiny appears intent on keeping him entwined with the Solemn Brothers, often leading him to unexpected turns that reshape his ambitions.

The defining moment in Clamo’s life comes during the Siege of Darkwood Keep, a brutal confrontation between rival factions that tore through the heart of the kingdom. Amidst the chaos, Clamo discovers not only his penchant for leadership but also his capacity for heartbreak. When one of his closest friends falls during a skirmish, he struggles to keep the remaining members together. Fueled by grief, he composes a haunting elegy, which later becomes an anthem among the mercenaries.

In the aftermath of the siege, an unexpected twist arises — Solemn Brothers is not only recognized as mercenaries but also hailed as heroes among the common folk. Clamo’s music transcends the battlefield, and integral to this transformation is his realization that healing can be found in every strum.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0