Character portrait
Nerke Drozgor
46 years old
176 cm (5'9'')
88 kg (194 lbs)
Nerke Drozgor, 46 years old
Male human
Archetype: creator
Background: artisan
Height: 176 cm (5'9'')
Weight: 88 kg (194 lbs)

Nerke Drozgor is a young man with a wild, unkempt beard and long, flowing hair that matches the color of the oak bark he uses in his crafts. He lives in the mountains, where he spends his days as a creator, fashioning beautiful and intricate pieces of art out of wood, stone, and metal. But Nerke is more than just a craftsman, for he possesses a unique ability that has made him both feared and revered among those who know of him. Since childhood, he has been able to read the thoughts of others or put his own thoughts into their minds.

Nerke comes from a long line of talented artisans and creators, but he is the first to possess such a gift. His famous ancestor, a great-grandmother who lived in a time of magic and mystery, was said to be able to shape-shift into any animal she desired. Nerke is proud of his ancestry, but he knows that his abilities have made him an outcast, even among his own people.

In his youth, Nerke struggled to understand and control his gift, but with practice and guidance from his father, he learned to use it to his advantage. He could influence people to buy his crafts, avoid danger, or even reveal their secrets to him. But he never abused his power, for he knew the danger that lay in crossing the line between persuasion and coercion.

As Nerke grew older, he honed his talents and became well-known throughout the nearby villages for his incredible creations. But his reputation also brought him enemies, those who feared his abilities and sought to destroy him. Some of his foes even became his allies, recognizing the value of his gift and the good he could do with it.

Nerke never married, for he feared his abilities would be passed down to his children, and he couldn't bear the thought of burdening them with the same struggles he faced. But he did have a son, a boy he took in when the child's mother died in childbirth. The boy had no gift, but he inherited his father's skills and became a master craftsman in his own right.

Despite his successes and talents, Nerke has a few fears. He is afraid of losing control of his abilities, of becoming a pawn in someone else's game. He is also afraid of being rejected or misunderstood by those he cares about.

Nerke is a quiet, introspective man, thoughtful and deliberate in his actions. He values honesty and integrity above all else and has a deep respect for nature and the world around him. His life credo is simple: to create beautiful things that bring joy to others and to live his life with purpose and meaning.

Nerke's only lack is a true sense of belonging, for he knows that his abilities set him apart from others. He has a few habits, including taking long walks in the mountains and talking to himself when he is deep in thought. He also has a few cultural customs, such as leaving offerings to the spirits of the forest and performing a special ritual when he starts a new creation.

Nerke has a few regrets, mostly about the times he let his abilities get the best of him and used them for personal gain. But he keeps his past mistakes close to his heart, learning from them and striving to become a better person.

Despite his many talents and strengths, Nerke remains a mystery to many, a solitary figure in a world that sometimes seems too chaotic and confusing. But to those who truly know him, he is a symbol of hope, a reminder that even in a world full of darkness, there is still beauty and light to be found.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0