Character portrait
3 years old
151 cm (4'11'')
21 kg (46 lbs)
Eic, 3 years old
Male birdman
Archetype: creator
Background: artisan
Height: 151 cm (4'11'')
Weight: 21 kg (46 lbs)

Feathered wings stretch out wide against the azure sky as Eic, the Bird Man, takes flight over the sprawling city. This fascinating entity, a blend of man and bird, is not born of mythology or interspecies experimentation but of a deep-rooted creativity. All his life, Eic is a spinner of dreams, a creative force who transforms ideas into reality, pulling the ethereal into the material world. His nature is not of predation or of flightiness, as one might interpret from his avian aspect, but instead, one of creation and artisanship.

From the earthy town where engaged craftsmen still worked hands-on, honing their skills day after day, the concept of the Bird Man is born. These roots heavily influence Eic, shaping him into a master artisan himself. As a fledgling, he marries the wisdom of hands with the untamed dreams of a rampant mind, his craftsmanship being an echo of his roots, his wings a testament to his limitless imagination.

Eic's creation is an act of freedom, borne from a desire to break free from the mundane and soar in the open skies, unrestricted and liberated. His work motive remains self-exploration until this day. Every wing stroke in the vast expanse above reflects his unquenchable thirst to find new horizons within himself and outside.

Along with his wings comes an inescapable enemy – isolation. As the only one of his kind, Eic is constantly viewed as an anomaly, something otherworldly to be gawked at. He is eternally in the public eye, never able to blend into the crowd or be completely accepted by his own species. A constant struggle against loneliness veils his life, a price he knew he would pay when he made himself the Bird Man.

However, the thread of romance weaves itself into Eic's tapestry of life in the form of a childhood friend. A woman of earth with roots too strong to be yanked away and wings too small to take flight, she represents humanity for Eic. Their tender companionship remains a grounding force for the otherwise sky-oriented Bird Man, constantly pulling him back to the land.

As fear goes hand in hand with bravery, the higher Eic flies, the greater his trepidation becomes. His fear of the unbound, limitless sky ironically mirrors his love for it. He fears getting lost in the infinity, never finding his way back down on his own, slowly morphing into an actual bird, devoid of human emotions and attachments.

Eic, like his mixed species representation, carries a complex personality. Despite the isolation, there are elements of resiliency and strength. His creator nature is coupled with a sharp intelligence and an uncanny curiosity. However seemingly reserved he might appear, the Bird Man harbors an unwavering spirit within his human heart and the mettle of a bird in his soul.

Life, in Eic's opinion, is akin to the sky – boundless, infinite, and liberating. His famous quote ring holds true for everyone, "Life, like the sky, is as vast as you perceive it to be."

Gifted with keen sight of a bird and the language skills of a human, the entire world is Eic's canvas – a place where he paints his stories. His only lack is complete acceptance, something he desires but falls short despite his numerous talents and contributions.

Eic carries himself with a unique grace - authentically human but marked with the elegance of a bird. His mannerisms, a compelling blend of flight and stride, leaves a lasting impression on anyone he interacts with.

Eic, the Bird Man, is a recollection of the human potential for creativity and isolation. He serves as a reminder that even in the face of the most profound loneliness, the spirit of creation remains, painting the world in bright, vibrant colors.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0