Character portrait
Germael Odwarton
54 years old
181 cm (5'11'')
77 kg (170 lbs)
Germael Odwarton, 54 years old
Male half-elf
Archetype: mage
Background: preacher
Height: 181 cm (5'11'')
Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs)

Germael Odwarton is a male half-elf known for his big ears, old age, and unusual family background. He was born to a human father and an elf mother, but his father left when Germael was still young. His mother raised him in the forest, teaching him the ways of magic and the importance of kindness and forgiveness.

As a child, Germael had only one friend, a human boy named Jon. They would spend hours playing in the forest, exploring the secrets of the trees and the creatures that lived within them. Germael showed an early talent for magic, and he would often use it to entertain Jon.

When Germael turned 20, his mother told him that it was time for him to find a mentor to help him hone his skills as a magician. She sent him to the nearest town, where he met a wise old wizard named Fendril. Fendril took Germael under his wing and taught him everything he knew about magic and the world beyond the forest.

Germael progressed quickly under Fendril's tutelage, mastering new spells and learning to control the power that flowed through him. He eventually left Fendril and began to travel the world, using his magic to help people in need.

Today, Germael is an old man, but his magic has only grown stronger with age. He has become a preacher of sorts, using his gift to spread love and compassion wherever he goes. His best friend is still Jon, who he visits whenever he can.

Germael has many allies across the land, people who owe him a debt of kindness or who have been touched by his magic in some way. However, he also has enemies – those who fear and mistrust magic, and who see him as a threat.

Germael's greatest fear is that he will one day lose control of his magic, harming those he cares about. He has had many adventures over the years, but his greatest achievement has been to spread love and kindness wherever he goes.

In addition to his native Half-elvish and Common, Germael has also learned to speak several other languages, including Elvish and Dwarvish. His symbol is a wooden staff topped with a crystal, which he carries with him wherever he goes.

Germael's famous quote is "Love and kindness are the most powerful forms of magic." This speaks to his belief that magic can be used for good or for ill, and that it is up to the wielder to choose which path they will take.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0