Character portrait
20 years old
163 cm (5'4'')
55 kg (121 lbs)
Alekantra, 20 years old
Female human
Archetype: druid
Background: farmer
Height: 163 cm (5'4'')
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)

Alekantra, a young woman of twenty years of age, ventures alone through the lively woodland. Born and raised within the rough-shod farmlands, Alekantra is no stranger to the inherent beauty of nature. Birds, creatures far and wide find themselves drawn to her — not out of fear, but with shared understanding and respect.

She, daughter to a humble farmer and nature herself, communicates with these avian creatures in a way no human can comprehend nor replicate. It's not a language uttered in words but a symphony of action and intent. A chirping melody, reciprocated through conscious understanding and responsive gestures. Witnessing these interactions, it appears as though Alekantra is capable of subtly coercing the wildlife into following her behests.

Her unique talents remained within the bounds of her village, sprouting and blossoming over her teenage years, until emissaries from the Royal College arrive. They come bearing rumors of a peculiar girl with an unnatural ability to commune with the creatures of the forest, a gift they hope to use for the service of their regal monarch.

A ring of gold changes hands, and Alekantra, whisked away from the mundane life of a farmer’s daughter, finds herself within the esteemed halls of the Royal College's Arcane Arts faculty. Here, pupils endowed with unusual abilities — those that defy the common understanding of magic — are nurtured.

There she meets Orlan, blessed with the supernatural ability to manipulate probability, luck always siding with the call of his coin. Jareth, the silent one who communicates with the living world through his artworks, his paintings coming to life. And then there's Beatrix, a mesmerizing laundress who can cleanse not just garments but memories tied to the objects she washes.

As Alekantra weaves her way through the labyrinth of arcane arts, her gifts and her connection with the natural world start to expand and become even more profound. Each passing day sees her enchanting the college with acts of wild brilliance.

In time, she understands that she is not at the college to use her gifts for an Emperor's war or a monarch's scheme but for a far grander purpose, a challenge that will test her budding powers to their fullest potential. Looming ahead is a battle against a force that threatens the harmony between humanity and the natural world. As the future of both hangs in the balance, it falls upon the young bird whisperer to lead the way.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0