Drekor was born in a secluded corner of the Orcish mountains, to a family of hunters. Like most orcs, Drekor was born with a passion for combat. As he grew older, he dedicated himself to becoming the best bounty hunter in all of the Mountains. He became very good at his trade, and he eventually began to earn a reputation as one of the most feared and deadly orcs in the area.
Drekor's skills as a bounty hunter led him to become a mentor to a young orc named Garrosh. Garrosh was not born to be a warrior like Drekor, but he was determined to become as good as his mentor. The two of them worked together to become the best bounty hunters in the area.
As Drekor's career as a bounty hunter continued to grow, he eventually became one of the most feared and respected orcs in all of the mountains.
He was a man of strong build, with a thunderous voice and remarkable strength. He masterfully owned all types of weapons and was truly happy only on the battlefield.
Drekor's life motto is " Vengeance is my quest ." and he takes great pride in his ability to mete out swift and brutal justice.
He believes that the nature of his activities does not give him the opportunity to start a family. He is categorically not ready for marriage. Although for external brutality is popular with the opposite sex. However, he prefers not to meet the same woman twice.
His favorite food is blood soup, and he takes great pleasure in drinking it down. Drekor's greatest strength is hisdetermination, and he is never afraid to stand up to those who he believes are unjust. One of Drekor's few flaws is that he can be quite impulsive, which can sometimes get him into trouble.
However, overall, Drekor is a highly determined and skilled fighter. Drekor's main dream is to find and bring to justice the mastermind behind all of the orcish wars. He believes that this person is responsible for the deaths of so many orcs, and he is determined to find and bring him to justice.