Fealty is a young girl from the siren clan, who was born in the thickets of a large island in the middle of the ocean. She didn't know her parents. As a child, travelers discovered her in the wilds of the forest and brought her to the continent.
In her early days, Fealty was a wild and rebellious child. She refused to follow the rules of her society and was constantly Testing the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.
One night, she was caught stealing from a store and was sentenced to be whipped by the town elders. Her punishment didn't fit her crime though, so they threw her in prison with the criminals. There, she met a strange man who introduced her to the world of magic.
He taught her the ways of the siren and how to use her powers to her advantage. Fealty quickly became one of the most powerful sirens in her realm and used her abilities to steal whatever she wanted. She was always willing to do whatever it took to achieve her gIoals and she never hesitated to use her charm and beauty to take advantage of people.
But despite her wicked ways, Fealty still had a heart of gold. She loved to entertain her friends with her magic and her songs, and she was always ready to help them whenever they needed it.
Swav older girl decided to find an island in the ocean where she was born and found an independent city there. And so it happened. She began to rule her small country inhabited by animals, birds and beastmen.
Her life motto is "confidence is everything" and she believes that every person has the ability to be extraordinary if they only dare to dream and believe in themselves.
She ischarismatic and magnetic and she can easily take advantage of anyone she meets. However, she is also kind and caring and she always stands up for the people she cares about. She is the perfect example of the saying "you can't judge a book by its cover".