Character portrait
37 years old
88 cm (2'11'')
25 kg (55 lbs)
Zonzlazi, 37 years old
Female goblin
Archetype: trickster
Background: farmer
Height: 88 cm (2'11'')
Weight: 25 kg (55 lbs)

In the verdant heartlands of Baelrog, halfway between the farthest mountain peak and deepest canyon, lies Zonzlazi's farm. Zonzlazi, a goblin woman as sturdy and weatherworn as the land she cultivates, rules her sprawling farmland with a mischievous hand guided by a thumping heart full of rebellion.

Tending to her crops, Zonzlazi is easy to spot among the tall stalks of verdant grass. Her skin, a shade of green that mirrors the leafy canopy overhead, rustles as she moves her wiry, yet powerfully built body, with the rhythm of nature. A face as etched and rugged as the rolling hills themselves, hidden partially by a cluster of wild corkscrew curls, peers out curiously beneath her wide-brimmed hat.

Zonzlazi is well respected in the local community. Not solely for her formidable farming skills, but also for her power, a gift that sets her out among the crowd, and one she uses sparingly - to manipulate minds. It's a weapon she uses for reasons tied to her enigmatic past; a past riddled with political intrigue and adventure, the mere mention of which icy whispers ricochet around the cosy local tavern with an air of reverence and fear.

Occasionally, she wields her mysterious power with less seriousness. The local town guard, for instance, finds himself suddenly craving pickled root during his rounds, or perhaps the curmudgeonly town blacksmith suddenly feels compelled to deliver a freshly made pitchfork, never recalling why. This small dose of chaos in an otherwise predictable village life reflects the mischievous spark in Zonzlazi's hazel eyes.

She carries with her a walking stick. Not from need, but from sentiment. Crafted from ancient yew, its gnarled wood is embedded with twists and spirals, each symbolising an adventure, a battle won, a love lost. It's her trusty companion in her solitude, a symbolism for her tough life.

She exudes an unmistakable air of command, an iron conviction lurking behind her soft-spoken words shaped by a true leader's creed. Yet, something in her piercing gaze hints at a past marred by loss and sacrifice, hinting at a flaw that has shaped her present.

Rumor is, there's a prized treasure buried somewhere within her property, a mystery that nudges at her neighbors' curiosity and sometimes their greed. Some say it is gold, others believe it to be an ancient artifact. Even though her mischievous smile seems to confirm these whispers, in truth, no one knows what this goblin woman guards so carefully.

Yet, the true bewitchment of Zonzlazi isn't her mind-altering abilities, her mysterious treasure, or her enigmatic past. Rather, it is her uncanny ability to produce the most splendid harvest, year after year, seemingly regardless of drought or flood. Perhaps the secret lies not in her superpowers but in the pure love she pours into her land. Or perhaps the land simply returns the favor to the green-skinned goblin woman who regards it as a friend. Only Zonzlazi and the land truly know.

And thus, in the heart of Baelrog, time ebbs and flows, each day much like the one before, each night, a stage for a brewing story, courtesy of Zonzlazi and her enchanting farm. For in her world, the ordinary coexists with the extraordinary; the mundane with the magical. It's her haven, her battlefield, her home.

Deorum: fantasy characters creator by Azgaar, 2024. v1.1.0